Life is like a box of chocolates Loretta Williams, Team Leader Relevant Academy of Eaton County
A little bit about me…
A little bit about me…
Core values
Relationships Strive for interactions that build trust and promote open communication.
Our students call us by our first name Our students/parents have our cell phone numbers & know when we’re “on call” outside of school hours. Each student has an assigned mentor We talk about non-school related interests Parents get a phone call EVERY week. Parents are welcome to call, text, stop in any time.
relevance Maintain and environment where individual learner success is the primary focus.
Expectations, expectations, expectations! “No one rises to low expectations!” Choice & Voice Firm and understanding Excuses “Every time I accept an excuse, I reinforce your belief that you cannot do or cannot learn something…I’m not willing to do that.” Refuse to re-victimize by taking away a persons’ power.
respect Honor the unique value of each individual by being open to diversity of thought and foster the capacity for everyone to contribute to a full exchange of ideas.
Be curious Help expose your student/client to new things Possibilities are limited because of limited experiences & misinformation. Reacting v. Responding P.O.P. You can be angry/upset but you may NOT disrespect me.
Be relentless in pursuit of learners’ goals and dreams. Perseverance Be relentless in pursuit of learners’ goals and dreams.
Some days you don’t have 100% to give, but 100% of the days you have something. Give me what you’ve got! “You are stronger than you give yourself credit for” “Change the goal or change the behavior” “I will not participate in the behaviors you are choosing right now” Please excuse yourself and come back when you’re ready to have a conversation.
integrity Promote honesty, truthfulness, reliability, and trustworthiness through thoughts and actions.
Do as you say, say as you do! Even the little things matter…there are no little things Sometimes, even the adults have to apologize!
Rejoice in individual success and praise the success of others. Celebration Rejoice in individual success and praise the success of others.
Daily percentages Weekly percentages Courses completed Core Values demonstrated Jobs Attendance “aha moments” GRADUATIONS are my favorite!
Time to reflect…
Time to reflect… A time when someone made you feel special? Said something hurtful? Do you approach your working days with the same expectations, hopes, excitement that you did on the first day of your job? Are you still curious?
Time to reflect… Do you share your authentic self with others? What “hiccups” have you had or witnessed that could serve as encouragement for others? What we do is HARD! What are you doing to take care of yourself?