Webinar series “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts” Peer 2 Peer Support is formerly known as STAIT Webinar series Wednesday 22 November 2017 “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts” Getting the HCT to work effectively and collectively in humanitarian response P2P Support – For Humanitarian Leaders in the Field Created by the Emergency Directors’ Group (EDG) in 2013
Philippe Lazzarini Geeta Bandi-Phillips Gian Carlo Cirri Peer 2 Peer Support is formerly known as STAIT Philippe Lazzarini Deputy UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon, and Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Lebanon Geeta Bandi-Phillips Director of Advocacy and External Engagement, World Vision Somalia Gian Carlo Cirri Director, Peer-2-Peer Support Project WEBINAR FACILITATOR P2P Support – For Humanitarian Leaders in the Field Created by the Emergency Directors’ Group (EDG) in 2013
i.e. bringing the HCT together to work effectively as a team Peer 2 Peer Support is formerly known as STAIT How have you managed to establish a spirit of togetherness in the HCT to capitalise on this idea that “the whole is greater than the some of its parts”? i.e. bringing the HCT together to work effectively as a team P2P Support – For Humanitarian Leaders in the Field Created by the Emergency Directors’ Group (EDG) in 2013
Establish a common sense of purpose Peer 2 Peer Support is formerly known as STAIT Get the basic meeting management right – clear agenda, share information, circulate minutes. Establish a common sense of purpose Be prepared: important use of small groups to have pre-discussions to prepare the ground for the HCT meeting. Clear division of labour to capitalize on the different capacities and expertise across the team. Listen and absorb to ensure decisions are consensus-based and informed by evidence. Philippe Lazzarini Deputy UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon, and Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Lebanon P2P Support – For Humanitarian Leaders in the Field Created by the Emergency Directors’ Group (EDG) in 2013
Peer 2 Peer Support is formerly known as STAIT An effective humanitarian response includes a wide variety of issues: delivering in a principled manner, AAP, GBV, PSEA, making sure protection is central in the response and many more issues. Is it possible to spread leadership responsibilities between different agencies and NGOs that effectively support you, as a HC, to lead a humanitarian operation with the expertise of different organisations contributing to a team effort? P2P Support – For Humanitarian Leaders in the Field Created by the Emergency Directors’ Group (EDG) in 2013
Clear division of responsibilities vis-à-vis different issues Peer 2 Peer Support is formerly known as STAIT Capitalize on the comparative strengths and specific expertise of all of our HCT members Clear division of responsibilities vis-à-vis different issues International NGOs are leading protection advocacy The voice of national NGOs is becoming stronger and bringing fresh perspectives Philippe Lazzarini Deputy UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon, and Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Lebanon P2P Support – For Humanitarian Leaders in the Field Created by the Emergency Directors’ Group (EDG) in 2013
Peer 2 Peer Support is formerly known as STAIT Can you explain the process and the concrete actions that were taken by the HC and HCT members to establish the HCT Compact and convince the team that mutual accountability is a good idea….. P2P Support – For Humanitarian Leaders in the Field Created by the Emergency Directors’ Group (EDG) in 2013
Clarity on what the HCT compact was about Peer 2 Peer Support is formerly known as STAIT Clarity on what the HCT compact was about Inclusiveness was stressed. Responsibilities clear. HCT Compact initiative featured prominently in a STAIT support mission in October 2016, and that got the ball rolling. Team spirit. Collective response. Collective accountabilities to the HCT. HCT retreats to ensure inclusiveness in the process. Purpose of HCT and the mutual accountability framework. Small team formed to work on the detail of the Compact. Compact endorsed by HCT. Geeta Bandi-Phillips Director of Advocacy and External Engagement, World Vision Somalia P2P Support – For Humanitarian Leaders in the Field Created by the Emergency Directors’ Group (EDG) in 2013
Can you tell us more about how this HCT Compact works? Peer 2 Peer Support is formerly known as STAIT The Somalia HCT has established a process to strengthen mutual accountability between the HC and HCT members in an attempt to develop a leadership team, and spread leadership responsibilities across the team. Can you tell us more about how this HCT Compact works? P2P Support – For Humanitarian Leaders in the Field Created by the Emergency Directors’ Group (EDG) in 2013
Revised TOR helped create a safe space for humanitarian discussions Peer 2 Peer Support is formerly known as STAIT Helped strengthen the team spirit of HCT (emphasized the centre of gravity in Mogadishu) Revised TOR helped create a safe space for humanitarian discussions Helped establish clear functions and responsibilities Enabled efficiency and collective accountability - changed frequency of meetings Smaller working groups met in advance to HCT to prepare for discussions and ensure follow up Helped address strategic issues collectively and delegated responsibilities as needed Geeta Bandi-Phillips Director of Advocacy and External Engagement, World Vision Somalia P2P Support – For Humanitarian Leaders in the Field Created by the Emergency Directors’ Group (EDG) in 2013
Peer 2 Peer Support What is P2P Support? Peer 2 Peer Support is formerly known as STAIT Peer 2 Peer Support What is P2P Support? Peer 2 Peer Support (P2P Support) is formerly know as STAIT (the Senior Transformative Agenda Implementation Team). It was created by the Emergency Directors’ Group (EDG) in December 2013. Its purpose is to provide direct peer support to Humanitarian Coordinators (HCs) and Humanitarian Country Teams (HCTs) to strengthen the effectiveness of humanitarian response in the field. The team reports to the EDG, is hosted by OCHA, and is administered by UNDP. Contact us: P2PSupport@un.org; www.deliveraidbetter.org All webinar recordings are available on: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-tRLCM50a2ihhafscLh8YQ P2P Support – For Humanitarian Leaders in the Field Created by the Emergency Directors’ Group (EDG) in 2013