The Inner Workings of Old and Modern Refrigerators Eric Abercrombie Levi Algozino E-Design 100 Section 9 Pennsylvania State University efrigerators.JPG
Refrigeration is the process of removing heat from an enclosed space generally by evaporating and condensing a substance (usually a CFC gas).
Several Types of Gases have been used in refrigeration systems as chemists discover more efficient systems. ns/thumb/3/34/Sulfur_dioxide.svg/467px- Sulfur_dioxide.svg.png s/thumb/3/30/Methyl_Chloride.svg/261px- Methyl_Chloride.svg.png Almost all have been phased out due to harmful effects to either the surrounding area or the o-zone layer.
Cooling both a freezer and a refrigerator involves the coolant previously mentioned (usually Freon), getting put through a short process. 1: Compression 2: Release of heat 3: Expansion 4: Cooling of unit 5: Back to compression products/appliances/how-does-refrigerator- work /index.html
The interior refrigeration system Substance vaporized Heat absorbed Substance liquefied erator.html
If a temperature is set on a refrigerator, the cycle just continues until the desired temperature is reached. When a special thermometer detects that the fridge has reached the proper temperature, it simply shuts off the motor and the refrigeration cycle is halted.
Works Cited: does-refrigerator-work /index.html does-refrigerator-work /index.html