Vocabulary Review May 3, 2016
To confuse, bewilder, puzzle someone Verb
Mystified To confuse, bewilder, puzzle someone Verb
To discover, find out, identify something Verb
Detect To discover, find out, identify something Verb
To write something down quickly, mark it briefly Verb
Jotted To write something down quickly, mark it briefly Verb
To gain ownership or possession of something, Verb
Acquired To gain ownership or possession of something, Verb
Exhausted, tired, worn out, or drained Verb
Weary Exhausted, tired, worn out, or drained Verb
Making a dull, low sound or a murmur Verb
Drone Making a dull, low sound or a murmur Verb
Fierce, wild, vicious, violent Adjective
Ferocious Fierce, wild, vicious, violent Adjective
Appreciate, enjoy, or take pleasure in something Verb
Savor Appreciate, enjoy, or take pleasure in something Verb
Doing something without thinking, done automatically or naturally Adjective
Instinctive Doing something without thinking, done automatically or naturally Adjective
Join in action, go along or together with Verb
Accompany Join in action, go along or together with Verb