CRCT Vocabulary Review Units 1-4
Round One- Unit One Cell Scientific Method Asexual reproduction Hypothesis DNA Controlled Experiment Variable Classification Homeostasis Taxonomy Dichotomous Key Bacteria Binary Fission Diffusion Osmosis Prokaryotic cell Theory
Give the word that goes with each definition
________________- Tool scientist use to identify an unknown organism. Dichotomous Key ________________- Tool scientist use to identify an unknown organism.
DNA ________________- Genetic material found in all living organisms that acts as the blue print of life.
Osmosis ________________-The diffusion of water molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.
Binary Fission _______________- Type of asexual reproduction in which a unicellular organism undergoes cell division to make genetically identical unicellular offspring.
Taxonomy _______________-The science of classifying organisms and giving each a scientific name.
Asexual Reproduction _______________- Reproduction that produces genetically identical offspring from only one parent.
_______________- the maintenance of a stable internal environment. Homeostasis _______________- the maintenance of a stable internal environment.
Theory _______________- A hypothesis that has been supported by lots of experimentation and tests.
_______________- An educated guess to a scientific problem. Hypothesis _______________- An educated guess to a scientific problem.
Bacteria _______________- Among the oldest organisms on earth, these unicellular organisms have no nucleus in their cells.
Prokaryotic Cell _______________- A cell that contains no membrane-bound organelles and no nuclei.
Cell _______________-Membrane covered structure that contains all the materials necessary for life. Basic unit of life.
Diffusion _______________-The movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.
Scientific Method ______________- The steps a scientist take when conducting a controlled experiment.
____________- any factor in an experiment that changes. Variable ____________- any factor in an experiment that changes.
Now it is time to shorten up these definitions… Now it is time to shorten up these definitions…. I will give you two or three words and you give me the vocabulary term.
Educated guess Hypothesis
Supported by evidence Theory
Tool, identify organism Dichotomous Key
Organisms, no nucleus Bacteria
Molecules, High to Low Diffusion
Experiment steps Scientific Method
Factors that change Variables
Basic Unit of Life Cells
Cell, No nucleus Prokaryotic Cell
Diffusion of Water Osmosis
Classifying, Naming, Organisms Taxonomy
Genetic Material DNA
Unicellular Reproduction Binary Fission
One parent Asexual Reproduction
Now, Complete each sentence using what you know about your vocabulary terms….
Carleus Linnaeus developed a science in which he classified organisms and gave each a scientific name made up of the genus and the species name, this science was known as ________. Taxonomy
After making several observations, a scientist can make a __________, or an intelligent guess to the outcome of an experiment. Hypothesis
DNA The ________ stores all genetic information and can be found inside the nucleus of all eukaryotic cells.
After conducting several tests on her hypothesis, Nancy was able to support the _____ that rose bushes need adequate amounts of water to live. theory
The water molecules will move using _______ up the xylem of the plant to reach the leaves for photosynthesis. osmosis
Archaebacteria and Eubacteria undergo a reproduction of cellular division called ______ and therefore their offspring is genetically identical to the one parent. Binary fission
All organisms are made up of one or more cells; however, archaebacteria and eubacteria are the only kingdoms made up of ________ and have no membrane-bound cell organelles Prokaryotic cells
Unit two Vocabulary Protist Chloroplast Eukaryotes Vacuoles Nucleus Lysosome Cell Membrane Producer Cell Wall Consumer Ribosome Decomposer Mitochondria Symbiosis Golgi Body Parasitism Mutualism Organelle Lets start with just the definitions….
_______________- Any unicellular or multicellular organism that has a nucleus and other organelles within its cell. Eukaryote
Eukaryotic cells contain a nucleus and membrane-bound __________ that have a specific function to carry out life. Organelles
Decomposer _________________- Any organism that obtains its energy by breaking down the remains of dead organisms and absorb their nutrients.
_______________- A eukaryote that is not an animal, fungus, or plant. Protist
Parasitism _________________- symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits while the other is harmed.
Nucleus _______________- Organelle found in eukaryotic cells; contains the cell’s DNA and serves as the control center of the cell.
Mutualism __________________- symbiotic relationship in which both organisms benefit.
Symbiosis __________________- close long term relationship between two or more organisms.
__________________- organisms that can make their own food. Producer __________________- organisms that can make their own food.
________________- A phospholipids bilayer that covers a cell’s surface and regulates what enters and exits the cell. Cell Membrane
______________- structure that surrounds the cell membrane of some cells and provides strength and support to the cell membrane. Cell Wall
_____________________ - Small organelle in cells that make proteins. Ribosome
___________________- Cell organelle that breaks down sugars to supply the cell with energy in the form of ATP. Mitochondria
__________________-organelle found in plant and protist cells where photosynthesis occurs. Chloroplast
__________________- organism that eats producers or other organisms for energy. Consumer
_______________- Organelle that serves as a storage place for food and water within a cell. Vacuole
____________- organelle that modifies, packages, and transports materials out of the cell. Golgi body
Let’s shorten up these definitions… Give the vocabulary term using these key words.
Control Center Nucleus
Organism with Nucleus Eukaryote
Eukaryotic cells, specialized functions Organelles
Organelle, stores water Vacuole
Photosynthesis, organelle chloroplast
Both organisms Benefit Mutualism
Organelle, release energy Mitochondria
Strength and Support Cell Wall
Organism, makes own food Producer
Controls entering and exiting cell Cell Membrane
Breaks down dead Decomposer
Eats producers and others Consumers
Eukaryote, not animal,plant, fungus Protist
1 Benefits and 1 harmed Parasitism
Long-term relationship Symbiosis
Makes Proteins Ribosomes
Using the picture shown…. Identify the vocabulary term it describes
All arrows pointing to Organelles
What is A pointing to? Vacuole A
What is B pointing to? Golgi Body B
What is C pointing to? Cell Wall C
What is D pointing to? Cell Membrane D
What is E pointing to? Ribosome E
What is F pointing to? Mitochondria F
What is G pointing to? Chloroplast G
Unit Three Vocabulary Words Parasitism Homologous Chromosomes Diffusion Fermentation Symbiosis Osmosis Endocytosis Exocytosis Fungi Cellular Respiration Photosynthesis Chromosome Host Mitosis Decomposer Binary Fission Lets start with the definitions!!!!
Symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits white the other is harmed Parasitism
Chromosomes with matching information Homologous chromosomes
The diffusion of water molecules across the cell membrane Osmosis
The breakdown of sugar to make ATP in the absence of oxygen fermentation
A close long term relationship between two or more organisms symbiosis
The movement of particles from an area where their concentration is high to an area where their concentration is low diffusion
Fungi _______________- a kingdom of complex organisms that obtain food by breaking down other substances in their surroundings and absorbing the nutrients.
Mitosis ___________division of the nucleus in eukaryotic cells in which each cell receives a copy of the original chromosomes
_________________- an organism on which a parasite lives. Host _________________- an organism on which a parasite lives.
Cellular Respiration ________________- the process in the mitochondria that produces ATP in the cell from oxygen and glucose; releases carbon dioxide and water
Photosynthesis _________________- the process by which plants capture light energy from the sun and convert it into sugar
Chromosome _________________- a coiled structure of DNA and protein that forms in the cell nucleus during cell division
Exocytosis ________ type of active transport in which large particles are removed from the cell.
Binary Fission _______________- Type of asexual reproduction in which a unicellular organism undergoes cell division to make genetically identical unicellular offspring.
Endocytosis ________ type of active transport in which large particles enter the cell.
Decomposers __________Organisms that break down the remains of dead organisms and absorb the nutrients into their cells.
Lets break down these definitions….
Homologous Chromosomes Matching Chromosomes Homologous Chromosomes
Release Energy Without Oxygen Fermentation
Long-term relationship Symbiosis
One harmed- One benefits Parasitism
Diffusion of Water Osmosis
Movement High to Low Diffusion
Enter the cell Endocytosis
Organism harmed Host
Division of Nucleus Mitosis
Coiled DNA Chromosome
Asexual Reproduction, Bacteria Binary Fission
Sunlight process Photosynthesis
Process in mitochondria Cellular Respiration
Breaks down remains Decomposer
Which word defines the picture best?
Binary Fission
Which of the following reproduces by binary fission A) dog B) Mosses C) Mushrooms D) E-coli
Which of the following is a form of active transport? Osmosis Diffusion Endocytosis All of these use energy
Which of the following is a decomposer? Mold Moss Ants Vulture
Where does cellular respiration take place in the cell? Chloroplast Mitochondria Cytoplasm Nucleus
The chloroplast is responsible for what process? Photosynthesis Cellular respiration Fermentation Endocytosis
Which of the following organelles work together to provide the cell with food and energy? A) ribosome and nucleus B) mitochondria and chloroplast C) Mitochondria and Ribosome D) Chloroplast and Endoplasmic Reticulum
Which of the following is important in recycling nutrients back into the soil? Plants Fungi Algae Animals
Which of the following is the result of mitosis 4 identical haploid cells 2 identical nuclei Offspring with genetically identical DNA Homologous Chromosomes