Management Civil I Module 6 – Cash Flows Q1 Q2
Cash Flow Projections All costs are marked up by 15% Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 VALUE 5000 7500 15000 12000 8250 1500 All costs are marked up by 15% Payment is delayed by 30days from date of invoice 10% retention is deducted from each payment to a maximum of 5% of the contract value Retention is paid back in month 9 Values are to be shown to the cents Interest will be charged at 12% for all debit balances
Cash Flow Projections Example 1
Cash Flow Projections All costs are marked up by 15% Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 Cost 15000 25000 35500 65000 45250 1200 All costs are marked up by 15% Payment is delayed by 30 days from date of invoice 10% retention is deducted from each payment to a maximum of 5% of the contract value Retention is paid back in month 9 Values are to be shown to the cents Interest will be charged at 12% for all debit balances and 8% for credit balances