DEVELOPMENTS IN GÉANT2: END-TO-END SERVICES Roberto Sabatino - DANTE ( I2 fall meeting 4 December 2006
Agenda GÉANT2 briefing and developments End to end services and the hybrid infrastructure GÉANT2 activity JRA3 (BoD) introduction Monitoring
GÉANT2 Some New Facts & Figures… 25 POPs (+4) serve >30 NRENs Connect. Communicate. Collaborate GÉANT2 Some New Facts & Figures… 25 POPs (+4) serve >30 NRENs 11600 km of fibre + 140 ILA sites 50+ x (own) 10G lambdas 9 x (leased) 10G lambda 8 x 2.5G (leased) “lambda” + some lower speed links Juniper T640, M160, M40 routers NREN accesses at up to 10Gbps (+ backup) + P2P 4 x 10G to North America POP in NY connections to other R&E networks as before : Abilene, ESnet, CA*net4, SINET, TENET, RedCLARA, EUMEDCONNECT, TEIN2
The GÉANT2 fibre topology Core fibre topology (initial) Figures in circles represents the number of lambdas Valid at July 2006
Agenda GEANT2 status and developments End to end services and the hybrid infrastructure JRA3 introduction Monitoring
Services over GÉANT2 Point-to-point GE (GE access) GÉANT2 Connect. Communicate. Collaborate Services over GÉANT2 Point-to-point GE (GE access) POP C POP A Essentially an implementation of ITU-T G.8011.1 EPL service Type 1 GÉANT2 POP D POP B Features: uses GFP/VCAT GE port per instance more dynamic sub 1G possible
Services over GÉANT2 Point-to-point GE (10GE access) GÉANT2 Connect. Communicate. Collaborate Services over GÉANT2 Point-to-point GE (10GE access) POP C POP A VLAN X VLAN Y Essentially an implementation of ITU-T G.8011.2 EVPL service Type 1 GÉANT2 POP D POP B This flavour is not quite ready yet. The 10GE boards (with the EVPL functionality) for the MCCs are deployed but the management software is lagging – this is expected to be resolved by week 43 (end Oct). Also, dot1Q VLAN tags can be swapped* by the 10GE board (when in EVPL mode) but can’t be pushed/popped (although this capability will be available from March 2007). The upshot is that when a service instance runs from a 10GE port to a 1GE port then the client side will have to be deal with dot1Q VLAN tags. * Interesting to note that we already have the capability to “break” the “dot1Q VLAN tag having E2E significance” paradigm! Features: uses GFP/VCAT 10GE port (supporting multiple instances) use 802.1Q VLAN tags as IDs sub (or >) 1G possible
Services over GÉANT2 Point-to-point GE (10G SDH access) GÉANT2 Connect. Communicate. Collaborate Services over GÉANT2 Point-to-point GE (10G SDH access) POP C POP A VCG X VCG Y GÉANT2 POP D POP B Obviously this flies or dies based on whether or not different vendor implementations of GFP are interoperable. We have done some previous testing between 1GE ports (Alcatel<->Nortel) and this has worked fine but we have not yet done this with 10GE ports. Some “service trials” being set up at the moment will essentially put this to the test (for both Alcatel<->Nortel and Alcatel<->Ciena) Features: uses GFP/VCAT 10G SDH port GFP done in NREN sub 1G possible
Services over GÉANT2 Managed wavelength service GÉANT2 Connect. Communicate. Collaborate Services over GÉANT2 Managed wavelength service POP C POP A GÉANT2 POP D POP B Note that this avoids the MCC (switch) altogether and clients connect straight to transponders on the WDM system (the picture is trying to show this but it is not that clear). Features: 10G only SONET/SDH or 10GE LAN PHY static 10GE is “full-rate”
Agenda GEANT2 status and developments End to end services and the hybrid infrastructure JRA3 introduction Monitoring
The JRA3 Activity of GN2 JRA3 is investigating the provision of ‘Bandwidth on Demand’ services to the NREN community The goal implies an environment that is: Multi-domain Using multiple transmission technologies SDH, GFP over SDH, L2 MPLS VPN, Ethernet Requirements for: end-to-end delivery of a non-contended capacity a standardized interface for service requests at end-points service level indication to end-users advance reservation (scheduled) modular and technology independent implementation
JRA3 architecture Key elements: - Inter-Domain manager (IDM) - Domain manager (DM) Resource modeling (aka Abstract representation) Path finder Technology proxies Standardized interfaces L2 MPLS VPN Each domain participating in the BoD service provisioning needs to operate an IDM and honor the IDM-DM and IDM-IDM interfaces. The local DM can be any technology, just a proxy is needed towards the IDM
JRA3 Distributed approach (1) (6) (8) (4) (10) (9) (5) (7) (3) Inter-domain path-finding (2)
JRA3: Current status Framework and Architecture defined IDM functional specification released IDM phase 0 (simplified in some modules) implementation and testing done Draft abstract notation available Working on Pathfinding module , IDM phase 1 and abstract representation
Agenda GEANT2 status and developments End to end services and the hybrid infrastructure JRA3 introduction Monitoring
Problem space E2ELink A-B Domain B Point A Domain A Domain C PointB An E2Elink from point A to point B in real (NREN) world traverses a number of different administrative/monitoring/technology domains. Collectively GN2 community (and beyond) now seeks real-time monitoring of entire link (A<->B) and some degree of breakdown of this into constituent (“DomainLink” and inter-domain) parts. The latter will be used by the centralised E2ECU (E2E coordination unit) to help them with their task of monitoring such services and providing a first port of call to users of such services – all part of the efforts to make the NRENs+DANTE appear to E2ELink users more like a single coherent service provider. Monitoring info constrained in the first instance to simple up/down status (out of practicality). Placeholders exist for more info like being able to declare a “degraded” status in addition to just up or down and to provide PM (performance monitoring) data but work needs to be undertaken to further define this (planned in GN2 year-3). Note also that this work is pretty much focussed on E2E lambda services (rather than more generic P2P services) so the existence of WDM systems is more or less assumed. However, the principles should mostly be applicable to other P2P services such as EPL carried over multiple technology domains. Goal: (near) real-time monitoring (link status) of constituent DomainLinks (and links between domains) and whole end-to-end Link A-B.
Approach E2ELink A-B Domain B Point A Domain A Domain C PointB perfSONAR MP or MA perfSONAR MP or MA PointB perfSONAR Measurement Point (MP) or Measurement Archive (MA) DomainLink and (partial) ID_Link info perfSONAR compliant MPs or MAs fed with DomainLink and (partial) ID_Link info from domain-specific NMS or homegrown correlating alarm/trap monitoring system IN REAL-TIME. E2Emon correlator application periodically polls distributed MP/MAs (using regular perfSONAR-like web services approach) and feeds correlated info to whatever requires it e.g. a “weathermap” for use by end users of E2ELinks and E2ECU operators’ umbrella monitoring systems (e.g. Nagios) Note: MA (measurement archive) provides some future-proofing in so much as historical up/down info is maintained (in distributed manner). E2Emon correlator can, of course, store historical data (centrally) as well (especially if domain only has MP available) E2ECU operators “Weathermap” view for users E2Emon correlator
Thank you
JRA3 Why an Inter-Domain Manager The effort to provision end-to-end Bandwidth on Demand services in the European scenario requires specific developments in inter-domain collaboration Splitting intra-domain management functionalities from inter-domain ones in separate modules, allows multi-domain R&D to proceed autonomously and focus on this less standardized area At the same time, it allows to leverage existing inter-domain managers through wrappers/proxies and interfaces, exploiting a modular approach This effort can provide solid experience for brokering services other than Bandwidth on Demand
JRA3 Domain independence Collaborative and distributed effort through newly defined interfaces which extend the NNI standards No centralised management Better resilience A common naming and addressing schema for a large amount of devices An abstract network representation to ensure faithful service description Possibility to hide domain internals Clear separation of control and data plane also at the physical level when needed
JRA3: IDM multi-domain issues The IDM faces a number of requirements and corresponding challenges related to its multi-domain scope: domain independence for resource usage policies and technological choices a service and network abstraction schema (language/notation) to describe very different networks, with different policies a schema to allow a clear specification of the service a network abstraction which allows inter-domain information exchange independently of the underlying technologies stitching of multi technology domains multi-domain path finding procedure advance reservation monitoring Authentication and Authorization