New Material - not in your book Section VII A BeeKeeping
Information Sources The Internet
Books The Hive and the Honey Bee (Edited by Roy Grout) ABC and XYZ of Bee Keeping (A. I. Root) The Biology of the Honey Bee (Mark Winston)
Bee Hives in Woodland situation
Honey bees Can be kept In urban environments
Honey Bee Hives and Beekeepers
Bee Comb on Limb
Colony Organization
Honey bee Colony Consists of one Queen
Honey Bee Colony May have several Hundred Drones (in Summer)
Honey Bee Colony May have 10,000 To 80,000 Workers
Workers do all work of hive including Nurse bees for young Make Royal Jelly Care of queen (the court) Wax makers Environmental maintenance Nectar receivers and processors Nectar and pollen collectors Guard bees
Various stages of bee development Note pollen in bottom of cells
Wax cells used to: Raise Brood (workers) Store honey Store pollen Temporarily store water
Honey Bee Emerging From cell
Queen Cell
Importance of Beekeeping Honey bees brought to America By Puritans – only source of sweetner
Importance Honey production.
Honey as a Health Food
Mead - Drink of the Gods
Importance Honey production. Beeswax production
Bees Wax Candles Bees wax also used In Art Many other things
Importance Honey production. Beeswax production Pollen sales
Bee pollen 35 % protein 55 % carbohydrate 2% fatty acids 3% minerals and vitamins High in Vitamins A, B, C and E Claimed to improve Immune system
Importance Honey production. Beeswax production Pollen sales Propolis
Health Claims for Propolis Fight many diseases Regulate blood cells that clump together--may help reduce strokes Control free radicals Prevent damage caused by heavy metals such as lead and mercury Enhance immune system Promote healing Reduce pain, inflammation, and fever Act as an antibiotic Speeds cell growth Stimulate cells that destroy invading organisms Reduces Skin irritations Helps heal Cuts and burns Treatment for Psoriasis, eczema and Acne Enhances Absorption of certain nutrients
Propolis Website
Importance Honey production. Beeswax production Pollen sales Pollination
Importance of Pollination (Without insect pollination, many of our current food crops could not be produced, at least at commercial levels)
Crops Dependent on Insect Pollination Apple Apricot Blackberry Blueberry Lemon Olive Peach Pear Persimmon Prune Plum Raspberry Cucumber Eggplant Muskmelon Pumpkin Kudzu Clover Coffee Tea Cashew Tangerine Oranges Cranberry Grapefruit Quince Tangelo Cowpea Pepper Squash
Honey bees produce millions of dollars Worth of Honey annually Pollination of crops valued at 75 times The value of honey production
Queen Production How do you produce Queens for sale (only one per colony)
Rearing of honey bee queens
Artificial insemination of queen honey bee
Propolis Website
Equipment for bees
Equipment for bees Hive. Bottom Board
Equipment for bees Hive. Bottom Board Hive body
Equipment for bees Hive. Bottom Board Hive body Deep
Equipment for bees Hive. Bottom Board Hive body Deep Shallow
Equipment for bees Hive. Bottom Board Hive body Deep Shallow Supers.
Frames. Foundation Inner cover
Frames. Foundation Inner cover Telescoping outer cover.
Frames. Foundation Inner cover Telescoping outer cover. Equipment for you.
Overalls ??
Veil Overalls Gloves
Veil Overalls Gloves Smokers
Veil Overalls Gloves Smokers Hive tool.
Veil Overalls Gloves Smokers Hive tool. How to obtain bees or equipment
Capture a swarm of bees
Best to buy bees, a queen And Equipment from a bee Supply company
Beekeeping supplies and bee Producing companies are: Mostly a southern industry
a. Mostly a southern industry Walter T. Kelly Co. Clarkson, Kentucky 42726
a. Mostly a southern industry Walter T. Kelly Co. Clarkson, Kentucky Dadant and Sons Hamilton, Illinois 62341
a. Mostly a southern industry Walter T. Kelly Co. Clarkson, Kentucky Weaver and Sons Sarasota, Texas Bees by the pound (packages)
Mostly a southern industry Walter T. Kelly Co. Clarkson, Kentucky Dadant and Sons Hamilton, Illinois Bees by the pound (packages) Queens
Mostly a southern industry (Walter T. Kelly Co. Clarkson, Kentucky Dadant and Sons Hamilton, Illinois Bees by the pound (packages) Queens Caucasian. Italian, German strains