Living Wage A lot done, More to do, Everything to lose. We introduced the living wage for all council employees. We also encouraged other employers in Derbyshire to do the same. 3,800 Council employees benefited from this. 3,600 employees in Derbyshire schools benefited.
Apprenticeships A lot done, More to do, Everything to lose. In May 2013, we increased apprenticeship pay from £2.68 per hour up to the living wage. We have bought apprenticeship back in-house. We have taken on over 300 young people. We have supported 70 local businesses to employ apprentices. Our apprenticeship scheme has won two national awards
Development Co A lot done, More to do, Everything to lose. We have set up a development Co that will: Build quality and efficient homes in the right areas. Maximise capital from assets for the benefit of services. Provide affordable homes and mortgages for key workers. Create employment opportunities in the construction sector. Attract high quality graduates and skilled workers to Derbyshire.
Social Value A lot done, More to do, Everything to lose. Since regaining control in Derbyshire, the Labour administration have been looking at ways maximising Social Value through the procurement process. Every decision now taken involves a Social Value consideration. This ensures that we can add value to our local communities when awarding contracts for goods and services. When you consider that we spend over £200m a year and another £100m on capital projects, this can have a major impact on the Derbyshire economy.
Guaranteed Hours A lot done, More to do, Everything to lose. We have worked hard to improve living standards of some of our lowest paid workers in Derbyshire. 1,500 people who previously had no guaranteed contract will now have a claim to guaranteed hours. This along with the payment of the Real Living Wage will have a significant positive impact on Derbyshire families.
Employment Charter A lot done, More to do, Everything to lose. We are committed to fair employment in Derbyshire. That is why we drawing up an Employment Charter. We will invite all employers and unions in Derbyshire to sign up to our Employment Charter. Our charter will ensure workers are treated with dignity and respect at work.