ERDIT – cost proposal
COSt pROPOSAL European Radiation Detection and Imaging Technology Platform – ERDIT Submitted on March, 24 In total 51 proposers from 13 countries Expected results from the evaluation on September, 24 Funding for networking activities
wORKPACKAGES WP1/WG1 Application requirements and standardisation WP2/WG2 Technology Roadmap WP3/WG3 Future and emerging technologies WP4/WG4 Dissemination and training
Technology roadmap T2.1 Simulation tools T2.2 Readout electronics Tools for simulation of the entire chain from radiation interaction up to the final signal or image processing T2.2 Readout electronics Electronics for both monolithic and hybrid pixel detectors. Options for multi level design with digital and analogue functions on different chips. T2.3 Sensor materials and processing High-z materials and processes for edgeless sensor modules that allow seamless tiling of large area devices. T2.4 Hybridisation and mounting Low cost methods for hybridisation as well as advanced multi level hybridisation. Precision mounting for seamless tiling T2.5 System integration and packaging Power distribution, communication, cooling, packaging for special applications
training Fundamentals of radiation detection and imaging. Radiation Safety and Dosimetry Microfabrication – new technologies Radiation Sources including photons, charged particles and neutrons Pixel detectors – state of the art and current trends Fundamentals of medical imaging Radiation based methods in materials research Hybridisation and assembly technologies
Now, let’s hope for the best