Objective Summary
What is an Objective Summary? An effective summary is a concise, complete, accurate overview of a text. Key ideas of an objective summary: A good idea focuses on the main theme or central idea of a text and specific, relevant details that support that theme or central idea, while unnecessary supporting details are left out. Effective summaries are brief, although the writer must not misrepresent the text by leaving out key elements.
A summary should accurately capture the essence of the longer text it is describing. Finally, the writer must remain objective, or refrain from inserting his or her own opinions, reactions, or personal connections into the summary.
Things to Avoid Avoid copying a collection of sentences or paragraphs from the original source. An objective summary should not be a long counting of every event, detail, or point in the original text. Avoid using evaluative comments. Avoid using your own opinion.
Questions to Consider Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?
Structure Begin with a sentence explaining the theme or central idea of the text. This sentence will stand alone. Complete a summary depending on the length of the text. End with a strong concluding statement.
Assignment Read “The Interlopers” on page 270 of the text. Complete a 3 paragraph objective summary of the text. I. Central or Main idea II. 3 paragraph summary III. Strong concluding statement