U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S.F.W.S. Part of the U. S. government that keeps track of and protects wildlife
Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) Plants that live below the water’s surface
Bay grasses-another name for SAV
Critical component – a part of something that is very important
Estuarine(Estuary) – a body of water where fresh and salt water mix
Ecosystem-a place where living and non-living things interact
Habitat-the place where a something lives
Pollutants-chemicals or other substances that harm the environment
Species – a single type of living thing
Nutrient – chemicals like fertilizer that help plants grow
Riprap- rocks placed against a shoreline to prevent erosion
Watershed – area of land connected to a body of water
Anadromous- fish that hatch in fresh water, live in salt water and then lay their in eggs in fresh water
Waterfowl-birds that live near water
Invertebrates-animal species that do not have skeletons in their bodies
Zooplankton-tiny animals that live in the water
Tubers-underground parts that plants use to store food energy
Widgeon grass, redhead grass and horned pondweed – three different species of SAV
Canary in a coal mine- something used to tell if an environment is safe and healthy
Indicator – something that tells you how clean the water is
Restoration-to return something to the way it used to be