Shutting Out the Sky Word Ladder Fifth Grade Phonics Unit 1 Week 5
On the bottom rung of your word ladder, write the word: who’d
Use the green letters from who’d to make another contraction for who have.
You should have spelled… who’ve
Use the green letters in who’ve to make a contraction for you have.
You should have spelled… you’ve
Use the green letters in you’ve to make a contraction for they have.
You should have spelled… they’ve
Use the green letters in they’ve to make a contraction for should have.
You should have spelled… should’ve
Use the green letters in should’ve to make a contraction for would have.
You should have spelled… would’ve
Use the green letters in would’ve to make a contraction for could have.
You should have spelled… could’ve
Use the green letters in could’ve to make a contraction for could not.
You should have spelled… couldn’t
Use the green letters in couldn’t to make a contraction for were not.
You should have spelled… weren’t
Use the green letters in weren’t to make a contraction for does not.
You should have spelled… doesn’t
Use the green letters in doesn’t and a g to make a word for moves.
You should have spelled… goes
Use the green letters in goes and add a u and an s to make a word for an estimate.
You should have spelled… guess
You just went from who’d to guess in twelve words.