English Department Chairs Meeting December 16, 2014 Facilitator: Sara Overby, Sr. Admin. ELA
Deck the Halls Choral Reading Builds fluency and prosody Embeds vocabulary Leads to content meaning Offers a close reading Combines re-reading Builds trust and community Builds collegiality Can be a springboard to closer study
Exams Specifications on DPI Website Links under Hot Topics Types of items, rigor, standards, weights Released items/tests Eng. I, IV NCFE – 50 multiple choice English III NCFE – 48 multiple choice 2 Constructed Response Bullets permissible Stay on the lines provided!!! UPDATES IMPORTANT 2015 ASW Analysis of Student Work Teachers with 60% AP over the course of the year No changes from DPI since Sept. Links under Hot Topics CDM Enloe, Green Hope, Millbrook Organized by API School CDM Team Phase 1: February-March, 2015 NCFEs and EOC 94% raw score
Instructional Leadership A Call to Rigor
Survey Says…
Survey Love and joy come to you, And to you our wassail, too. And God bless you and send you a Happy New Year! And God bless you and send you a Happy New Year!