Updates COM Faculty Council Tuesday, November 21st
Research Investment Research Space Management Clinical Trials Include all research space (wet-lab, dry-lab, clinical trials space) Recommend space management committee Next Step is Business Plan Clinical Trials Clinical Trials Office (CTO) and Clinical Trials Management System (CTMS) Research Centers & Programs Discuss guidelines and policies for evaluation, ongoing investment Research Core Facilities and Shared Equipment Labs
DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Faculty Effort Enhance the DOE Approval Process (prior to FY 19) Create/clarify guidelines around “Other” Instruction effort Determine guidelines for protected research effort Develop a budget model allocating some Non-Sponsored effort through a competitive process Clarify “unfunded” and “internally funded” research DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY
Shared/Administrative Services PIs need a defined individual who can reliably support their Post-Award needs; and, departments need assurance that funds are managed Proposal: point of contact will be the Department Administrator or a dedicated Grants Administrator DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY