David Côté, Université de Montréal for the BABAR collaboration Semileptonic B decays, B mixing and magnitudes of CKM elements at BABAR David Côté, Université de Montréal for the BABAR collaboration DAΦNE 2004: Physics at meson factories
David Côté, Université de Montréal Outline 88106 BB ∫ Lon dt = 82 fb-1 Results presented today used less than half of the data we have now. |Vcb| |Vub| B0 – B0 mixing semileptonic B decays: BXc l or BXu l md, ... DAΦNE 2004 David Côté, Université de Montréal
Why studying semileptonic B decays and B0 - B0 mixing? To (over-)constrain the Standard Model and determine some of its fundamental parameters: mb, mc and CKM matrix elements To know more precisely parameters needed by other analyses (md, branching fractions, form factors,...) To learn about QCD and effective QCD DAΦNE 2004 David Côté, Université de Montréal
Inclusive |Vcb| measurement strategy f , f0 : heavy quark expansion (HQE) formulae* mb and mc : running quark masses (at = 1 GeV) G, , LS, D : non-perturbative QCD parameters *Gambino & Uraltsev hep-ph/0401063 hep-ph/0403166 Problem: large uncertainties in mb, mc, ’s and ’s Solution: Measuring mb, mc, G, , LS, D, simultaneously to Br(BXc e ) and |Vcb| using HQE’s predictions of El and MXc moments. i=1..3 i=1..4 DAΦNE 2004 David Côté, Université de Montréal
electron energy moments Strategy: identify B Xc e decays with di-electron events Require typical B-B event topology, one high momentum etag and one opposite charge esig Subtract remaining backgrounds (mostly from data control samples) Corrections applied for Bremsstrahlung, e ID efficiency, etc. esig e- e+ Btag Bsig ν etag Data sample: ∫ L dt = 47.4 fb-1 400,000 events! Accepted by Phys. Rev. D hep-ex/0403030 esig energy spectrum used for moments measurement DAΦNE 2004 David Côté, Université de Montréal
David Côté, Université de Montréal hadronic mass moments Strategy: identify B Xc l decays on the recoil of fully reconstructed B’s Semileptonic side requirements : exactly one e or with p* > 0.9 GeV/c Emiss, Pmiss consistent with a neutrino and net event charge 1 MXc reconstructed with a kinematic fit to all remaining particles Corrections for small MXc reconstruction bias computed from Monte Carlo Accepted by Phys. Rev. D hep-ex/0403031 BABAR El* > 0.9 GeV D* l p e+ Breco Brecoil Xc ν e- Clear sign of higher charm resonances DAΦNE 2004 David Côté, Université de Montréal
David Côté, Université de Montréal Fit results Accepted by Phys. Rev. Lett. hep-ex/0404017 MXc and El moments as a function of minimum El cut χ2 = 15 Ndof = 20 used in global fit not used in global fit Excellent agreement between lepton and hadron moments! Excellent agreement between data and HQE predictions! DAΦNE 2004 David Côté, Université de Montréal
|Vcb|: result and comparison 2% error on |Vcb|! |Vcb| Br(BX l ) DAΦNE 2004 David Côté, Université de Montréal
mb, mc: result and comparison kinetic mass scheme theory Conversion of mb and mc from kinetic mass to MS scheme by N. Uraltsev (hep-ph/9708372, hep-ph/0302262 , hep-ph/0304132) DAΦNE 2004 David Côté, Université de Montréal
David Côté, Université de Montréal Inclusive |Vub| Phys. Rev. Lett. 92:071802,2004 Strategy: same B X l selection as hadron mass moments (slide 6) BXu l selection: kaon veto, low MX Measurement of for systematic errors cancellation Monte Carlo ∫ L dt = 82 fb-1 *Br(BXu l ) extracted from Ru using ref Phys.Rev.D67:031101,2003 Several avenues currently considered in order to reduce further the theoretical uncertainties. DAΦNE 2004 David Côté, Université de Montréal
David Côté, Université de Montréal Exclusive |Vub| Phys. Rev. Lett. 90:181801,2003 Strategy: untagged identification of B e decays with “ reconstruction” Signal extracted by requiring: very high momentum electron E = Ebeam - E - El - Emiss compatible with zero M compatible with mass Rather high theoretical uncertainties (~15%) Relatively high yield: 834 102 events (only electrons and 50.5 fb-1) exclusive analysis advantage MC GeV/c ∫L dt = 50.5 fb-1 Much more to be expected soon: larger dataset additional decay modes reduced theoretical uncertainties form factor(s) measurement new recoil techniques DAΦNE 2004 David Côté, Université de Montréal
David Côté, Université de Montréal « classic » B0 - B0 mixing (1) Phys.Rev.Lett.88:221802,2002 (2) Phys.Rev.Lett.88:221803,2002 (3) Phys.Rev.Lett.89:011802,2002 (4) Phys.Rev.D66:032003,2002 (5) Phys.Rev.D67:072002,2003 The B0 – B0 mixing technique is well-known and well-documented: Determination of vertex and flavor of the two B’s “t” between the two B’s estimated from distance between vertices “mixed” “unmixed” Results (23106 BB): (3) (averaged 1,2,5) DAΦNE 2004 David Côté, Université de Montréal
Generalized B0 - B0 mixing analysis B0 – B0 total decay-rate difference, CP violation in mixing and CPT violation were always neglected in mixing and CP measurements The validity of these assumptions was recently confirmed in a generalized B0 - B0 mixing analysis using 82 fb-1 ACP (ACP) is the amplitude for B0fCP (B0fCP) d/d : lifetime difference between BH and BL mass eigenstates (not “Bshort” and “Blong”) (): difference between flavor (mass) eigenstates z (0,0): imply CPT violation |q/p| 1: imply Phys.Rev.Lett.92:181801,2004 hep-ex/0403002, submitted to PRD DAΦNE 2004 David Côté, Université de Montréal
David Côté, Université de Montréal Summary New BaBar precision measurement of |Vcb|, Br(BXc l ), mb, mc and 4 HQE parameters. 13% (18%) inclusive (exclusive) |Vub| measurement at BaBar using BXu l decays (currently dominated by theory errors, but much progress to be expected soon). New measurement of d/d, |q/p| and z generalized mixing parameters validate the assumptions used for previous BaBar’s mixing and CP measurements. DAΦNE 2004 David Côté, Université de Montréal
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David Côté, Université de Montréal - plane DAΦNE 2004 David Côté, Université de Montréal
David Côté, Université de Montréal md,s vs Vtd,s [known factors] needs latttice QCD calculations [known factors] also needs latttice QCD calculations, but easier to compute. DAΦNE 2004 David Côté, Université de Montréal
electron energy moments Defining: We measured... the first moment: the central moments: n = 2,3 the partial branching fraction (0th moment): DAΦNE 2004 David Côté, Université de Montréal
David Côté, Université de Montréal HQE parameters We use calculations in kinetic mass scheme by Gambino and Uraltsev (HQE to order 1/mb3, as2 ) μπ2 - exp. value of kinetic energy of b quark inside B meson μG2 - exp. value of chromomagnetic moment operator ρD3 - exp. value of Darwin operator ρLS3 – exp. value of Spin-Orbit operator hep-ph/0401063 hep-ph/0403166 Ơ(1/mb2){ Ơ(1/mb3){ DAΦNE 2004 David Côté, Université de Montréal