LEARNING TO INNOVATE WITH FAMILIES (LIFE) OVERALL PURPOSE The LIFE Project will seek to develop new skills, competencies and training products and methodologies to enable social workers and related professionals to innovate and adopt more effective interventions in working with families experiencing multiple and complex difficulties.
LIFE NEED AND RATIONALE Research by R & D Centre Linkoping and NTNU Trondheim into interventions with 900 vulnerable families using child care services since 2009. Identified lack of impact of interventions due to lack of innovation skills at practice level and need for more holistic approach. Related research by University of Ljubljana and “Helping Families in the Community; the Co Creation of Desired, Changes for Reducing Social Exclusion and Strengthening Health”. ‘Innovation Skills’ include ability to negotiate, interpret problems, organise and plan change, work in a multi-disciplinary team settings, use research findings and reflect on practice.
LIFE PARTNERS - TRANSNATIONAL R & D Centre Linkoping, Sweden Norges Teknisk naturvitenskapelige universitet, NTNU, Norway University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Associacao de Paralisa Cerebral de Coimbra (APCC), Portugal Municipality of Cervia, Italy
LIFE PARTNERS - NATIONAL Stakeholder Forums / Operational partnerships in each partner region / country consisting of researchers, educators, professional practitioners and policy makers.
LIFE OBJECTIVES To undertake a Baseline Study / Needs Analysis. Develop a Competency Framework Develop a ‘Knowledge Triangle’ learning model Develop an Innovation Skills Development Programme Test these products through a Pilot Training Programme for professionals from each region Review the results and amend the products Produce a Project Report and organise mainstreaming and dissemination including through ECVET
LIFE – INTELLECTUAL OUTPUTS COMPETENCY FRAMEWORK (O1) This will describe the core competencies needed for practice based innovation by professionals working in multi-agency partnerships with families with complex difficulties. Development work will make use of Baseline Study and Needs Analysis including; Existing research by partners i.e. Linkoping, Trondheim, Ljubljana National reports from partners Good Practice elsewhere
LIFE – INTELLECTUAL OUTPUTS KNOWLEDGE TRIANGLE (O2) This output will establish an innovative learning model designed to foster innovation skills among social workers / professionals working with families with complex needs. The model will be based on ‘abductive’ learning and the ‘knowledge triangle’ focuses on the links between practice knowledge , research based knowledge and education and training. The learning model will underpin the Innovation Skills Development Programme.
LIFE – INTELLECTUAL OUTPUTS INNOVATION SKILLS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME (O3) This will include a curriculum focusing on practice based innovation skills, knowledge and competencies required to enable professionals working with families to develop a holistic, flexible and constructively critical approach to service context and delivery. The programme will be interactive, linking families with researchers, educators and practitioners and will be designed on a modular basis for delivery on a stand alone basis or to complement existing professional development programmes. It will be transferable on a transnational basis with core competencies and content which can be customised to national requirements and specific target groups.
LIFE – INTELLECTUAL OUTPUTS INNOVATION TOOLKIT (O4) Details of Competency Framework, Knowledge Triangle learning model, curriculum and learning materials for Innovative Skills Development Programme Guidance for practitioners and their employers on the skills, techniques and issues involved in working on innovatory approaches within multi-disciplinary partnerships working with vulnerable families
LIFE – INTELLECTUAL OUTPUTS FINAL INNOVATION REPORT (O5) The report will describe the project’s activities and products / results and how they can be used to support the development of practice based innovation within multi-disciplinary partnerships working with vulnerable families. It will be used to support the mainstreaming of products and methodologies developed and to disseminate the results to local, regional and national stakeholders.
TEACHING / TRAINING ACTIVIES Competency Framework, Knowledge Triangle Learning Model and Innovation Skills Development Programme will be tested through a pilot training programme in 2nd Year of Project. 25 participants, 5 from each partner country, all social workers / other professionals working with vulnerable families. Programme will be implemented over 12 months and will include range of competencies, knowledge and skills required by practitioners to support innovation in their work with families. Transnational dimension with each participant attending at least 2 transnational seminars of 5 days duration each.
DISSEMINATION AND USE OF RESULTS The project and its products will be disseminated throughout its lifetime. Each partner will disseminate at local, regional and national levels. Audiences include staff / management of partner organisations themselves, social workers and other professional practitioners, VET organisations, municipalities, and national government departments. Each partner to organise 1 dissemination event to report on results before end of project.