Conservation of momentum inertia pressure/gravity viscous
Flows and force balances 1. Slow flow in a slot 2. Oscillating slow flow 3. Small-amplitude waves 4. Fast flow away from an object 5. Fast flow near an object a. inertia ~ pressure/gravity b. viscous ~ inertia ~ pressure c. viscous ~ inertia d. viscous ~ pressure
Viscous flow in a slot or pipe Flow driven by a pressure gradient Flow driven by a moving wall
Viscous slot flow: extensions Glacier movement Groundwater Flow in the mantle
Viscous slot flow: extensions Particle settling Swimming of organisms Sediment transport
Turbulent flow in a slot or pipe Transition to turbulence “Law of the wall”
Turbulent pipe flow: extensions Open channel flow Glacier movement Municipal hydraulics Flow in vegetated channels
Unsteady viscous flow U U Impulsively started plate Oscillating plate
Unsteady viscous flow: extensions River mixing
Waves Surface waves of small amplitude
Waves: extensions Wave spectra Internal waves Solitary waves
Boundary layers
Boundary layers: extensions Gravity currents and salt wedges Biofilms Jets & plumes Diffusive BL in a lake