Religion (Islam)
Islam 2nd largest world religion Two significant branches about 1.3 billion adherents Fastest growing, why? Two significant branches Sunnis (83%) Shias or Shiites (16%) Primarily clustered in Iran and southern Iraq, Azerbaijan and others
Muslim Holy Places life of Muhammad Kaaba in Mecca Medina 5th pillar = hajj Pilgrimage to Mecca What type of affects does the hajj have on the environment? Medina Muhammad’s tomb Dome of the Rock Muhammad’s night journey on Temple Mount
Islam Places of Worship Calendar Mosque Minarets Strict lunar calendar muezzin calls to prayer (5x) Other distinctive traits Calligraphy Arabesques Reflects proscription against figurative art Pointed arches Keyhole arches Strict lunar calendar Holidays shift annually
Islamic Courtyards How do walled off, interior courtyards reflect the cultural values of Islam?
Good map for overall spread, read worksheet post on website to fully understand methods of diffusion and explain on guided reading