INSPIRE Registry Priority datasets code list Robert Tomas EC&EEA INSPIRE CT Team Eionet NRC – EIS Meeting, Copenhagen; 23-24 November of 2017
INSPIRE Registry service Key infrastructure component to allow unambiguous references to items provide unique and persistent identifiers for resources Central INSPIRE registry contains registers for: themes code lists and values enumerations and values feature concepts metadata code lists and values application schemas glossary reference documents layers media types
Number of priority dataset values: 46 New Priority dataset metadata codelist published on the INSPIRE registry List of datasets related to environmental reporting, which should be made available by Member States through the European Spatial Data Infrastructure in a stepwise manner. Number of priority dataset values: 46
Simplified user guide to use the Priority Dataset codelist Select your priority dataset Check if the metadata for the dataset is ready Add the descriptive keyword related to the Priority Dataset: Go to the INSPIRE Registry ( Go to the Priority Dataset metadata code-list ( and select the relevant value from the list of values Copy the URI and the label of the item Add the keyword in the XML encoding of your priority dataset metadata using the gmx:Anchor element (see next slide)
Example of placing the selected priority dataset URI code and label in your metadata ... <gmd:descriptiveKeywords> <gmd:MD_Keywords> <gmd:keyword> <gmx:Anchor xlink:href="">Agglomeration (Noise Directive)</gmx:Anchor> </gmd:keyword> </gmd:MD_Keywords> </gmd:descriptiveKeywords> URI from the INSPIRE Registry Label from the INSPIRE Registry Remember to add the related namespaces at the beginning of the file (if missing) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <gmd:MD_Metadata … xmlns:gmx="" xmlns:xlink=""
Wider environmental domains – GEMET as service The INSPIRE MIG – T proposal for additional control vocabularies for better filtering the EU Geoportal content The following searching criteria are proposed and will be tested: Spatial coverage of a dataset (Eu, National, Local) – new code list or better directly using Eurostat NUTS Codes as a service EU Legislation associated with the dataset – directly using CELEX (EUR-lex) as a service. Wider environmental domains – GEMET as service