AE Unit 7: Father, Mother, Birth PATR = Father MATR = Mother GEN = Birth, Origin
Gender noun a person’s sex, as in male or female
Genealogy noun the study of family lines of ancestors
Genesis noun the origin or beginning of something
Genetics noun a branch of biology that deals with heredity and the inherited traits of organisms
Genocide noun the deliberate destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group
Matrimony noun the union of man and woman as husband and wife
Matriarch noun the female head of a family
Maternity noun the quality or state of being a mother
Expatriate noun A person who lives outside of their home country
Patriarch noun the male head of a family
Patrician noun a person of high birth or position
Paternity noun the state of being a father; origin from a father
Paternal adjective showing the affection or concern of a father
Patricide noun the act of killing one’s father
Generator noun a machine that creates energy