Face Book Poster Project (1st Q Test Grade) These guidelines will be posted on the website msmaddenhistory.weebly.com Face Book Poster Project (1st Q Test Grade) Due Monday 10/19!
MUST HAVE: Profile Picture Basic Information About Me Wall Posts Friends/Events 10/19 Constitutional convention ff Constitutional Convention
Face Book Poster Project You must use a regular white poster. Your poster layout must follow the Facebook layout. The more it looks like the real thing, the better your grade. Everything on your poster should be typed, titles must be visible from a distance. Neatness, Neatness, Neatness! The 3 paragraph essay and wall posts must be typed Research: You need to use at least one book as a source. Keep track of all the books and websites you use (you’ll need a bibliography) Paste Bibliography to the back of your poster.
Face Book Poster Project Library is open every day till 2:30 Posters are due no later than 10/19. There will be a -10 pt penalty for late posters (per day). If you are absent email me a photo of completed project!
All Posters and Presentations are due: In-Class: Monday 10/19 See Rubric for what you need to include in your presentation.