AIM To assess the thinking process of the individual. The word will evoke instantaneous association with some idea as per the perception. The association of the candidate’s thought with the word reveals his personality traits.
THE RESPONSE Respond to the word shown. It is not a test of English language or grammar. First response is most natural to a person and closer to his actual personality. Be positive. Be brief, do not write long sentences. Do not use too many “Is”.
At times it may not be good / suit the requirements of defense. Use past tense The words ‘may’ or ‘may not’ should not be used. The words can be used in its other forms also ie. Noun, verb, adjective, change of gender / tense.
Use of names is also permitted. Make complete sentence. However if time is short the idea or thought should be conveyed. Ensure serial number of the word matches with your answer serial number. Avoid making sentence with I, Me, Myself, Mine.
Use third person ie. He, She, Them etc. Don’t give advisory remarks ie. Should, Could, would etc. Preferably do not start sentence with be or don’t be. Avoid phrases idioms or factual statements. Avoid negative sentences or anti social responses.
Need not write the ‘word’ before writing the sentence. Preferably underline the ‘word’ if time permits. Use all 15 seconds. Project character qualities. Be legible. Do not give all response based on arm forces.
Thank you