PREM-The University of Texas Pan American /University of Minnesota –Science and Engineering of Polymeric and Nanoparticle-based Materials for Electronic and Structural Applications Karen Lozano (UTPA) DMR-Award # 0934157 Superhydrophobicity is a very important property of a solid surface and can be used in many applications such as self cleaning windows, icephobic surfaces (to avoid ice deposition on airplanes), self cleaning textiles and paints to mention some. Teflon is an ideal candidate to be used as a superhydrophobic material though because of its low dielectric constant and high melt temperature it has not been possible to produce fine fibers with this material. We were able to produce high yield 100% pure teflon fine fibers that can be collected as nonwoven mats or aligned fibers in a yarn. 75nm Colored water droplets on a glass slide covered with a thin teflon AF nanofiber mat, the measured contact angle was as high as 172.4 º. 75 nm TITLE: DEVELOPMENT OF CONTINUOUS AND HOMOGENOUS TEFLON NANOFIBERS FOR SUPERHYDROPHOBIC SURFACES Nanofibers made into a yarn to be weaved for textile applications. Nonwoven teflon nanofiber mat