Association, recombination and mapping of eukaryotic genes
First genetic map of Sturtevant
Neri-ali norm grigi-ali vest. P bb/vg+vg+ b+b+/vgvg F1 grigi-ali norm (b+b/vg+vg) Reincrocio b+b/vg+vg X bb/vgvg 283 grigio, ali norm. 1294 grigio, ali vest. 1418 nero, ali norm. 241 nero, ali vest.
X Frequency of recombination= number of recombinants 100 number of the offspring X
1. Verifica concatenzaione attraverso reincrocio 2. Ordine dei geni tramite analisi doppio X-over
Frequency of recombination Distance p-j SRec I + DRec Total offspring X 100% (52+46) +(4+2) 500 X 100% = 20.8%= 20.8 u.m. r + Distance j-r SRec II x + DRec Total offspring X 100% (22+22) +(4+2) 500 X 100% = 10%= 10 u.m. Distance p-r SRec I + SR II + 2x DRec Total offspring X 100% (52+46) +(22+22) +2x(4+2) 500 X 100% = 30.8%
Distance between two genes is a map distance (um) 1 um = interval with 1% of recombination Um = cM centiMorgan
Mapping by deletion
Genetic markers (Molecular genetics) RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) VNTR (variable number of tandem repeat) SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism)