History and future of EUPAN eGovernment WG Mr. Jiří Průša jiri.prusa@mvcr.cz
What is MTP? MTP = Medium Term Programme One of the main document Goal of MTP: secure continuity between Presidencies
Present MTP Prepared and approved during PT PRES Time period: 2008 – 2009 (SI PRES, FR PRES, CZ PRES and SE PRES) Programme reflected the Lisbon Strategy, especially the goal of innovative, competitive and performance-oriented PA
Priorities for eGOV WG European User Satisfaction Indicies Efficiency of public administration ICT Licence for Administrative Staff Professionalisation of ICT Staff
From PT PRES to SE PRES From exchange of best-practice to creating study and added value Diverge work from others e-Government stakeholders groups, e.g. i2010 eGOV… Tradition: one meeting during the spring Presidency, two during the autumn Presidency
eGOV WG during the CZ PRES 15. – 16. June 2009, Kroměříž According to the MTP focused on using ECDL within the Public Administration Some members states take „electronic“ part – collaboration through the e-mail…
Impressions from Kroměříž
Priorities for the Future Hold eGOV WG as a core WG within the EUPAN Supporting learning teams and interest groups on specific topics Continue in tradition of studies and focused eGOV WG on topics conne-cted with work of other EUPAN groups