Achieving Mission Fulfillment
Mission Fulfillment vs Strategic Plan Mission Fulfillment- You have a the basics in place: Grass & Sprinklers Strategic Plan- You make improvements over a specific time period using resources: Deck & Patio. Once complete it becomes part of the organizations new upkeep.
Mission Fulfillment vs Strategic Plan Both focus on ISU’s future Mission Fulfillment Defines who ISU is as an institution Evolves around its mission and four core themes Accomplished through ISU’s academic programs, initiatives and community outreach Strategic Plan 3-5 year objectives based on the current environment and accomplishing the vision Short term action plans shape positive change
What is Mission Fulfillment? Institution’s ultimate measure of success IEAC evaluates multiple core theme objectives and performance measures against established long- term benchmarks Continually evolves and never truly achieved
Measuring Mission Fulfillment Objectives- Based on essential elements of the core themes Performance Measures- 2-to-6 indicators linked to objectives’ accomplishment --clearly defined, realistic & verifiable data sources
Visualizing Mission Fulfillment ISU’s web application provides a visual illustration of the core themes’ accomplishments Colors represent achievement of each core theme objectives’ measures of effectiveness Gray= below 85% Red= 85-89% Yellow= 90-96% Green= 97-100% Goal= each core theme will meet or exceed an 80% overall score
Visually Demonstrating Effectiveness
Aligning Mission Fulfillment & Strategic Planning?
Advancing ISU Mission fulfillment and the strategic plan guide and align ISU’s planning efforts As goals become reality they are adjusted to continue the momentum Mission fulfillment helps guide ISU’s evolution