Ms. Yarborough 6th grade Language Arts Ms. Yarborough
Welcome!! Welcome to 6th grade Language Arts with Ms. Yarborough! Here are some things you will need to know…
Who is Ms. Yarborough? From Clayton, NC Graduated from Meredith College Love to travel Have an older brother 3 yr. old dog named Bronx LOVE sports
Say hello to Bronx!
Classroom Expectations Be prepared. Be respectful.
Being prepared means… Bring the following items to class EVERY DAY: 5-subject notebook Folder Writing utensil Agenda Last night’s homework Homework is due WHEN THE BELL TO START CLASS RINGS. ** “I left it in my locker” is not an excuse. You will not be permitted to go to your locker once class has started.**
5-Subject Notebook Sections: 1 = Reading 2 = Reading 3 = Grammar 4 = Writing 5 = Left Blank **If the order is different in your notebook, this is OKAY.**
Classroom Procedures Entering the classroom 1) Enter the classroom QUIETLY 2) Go directly to your desk 3) Sharpen pencil if needed (BEFORE the bell rings) 4) IMMEDIATELY start working on the class kick-off
Now let’s practice…
Classroom Procedures What if I have a question? Raise your hand and patiently wait until you are called on. ONLY ask questions related to the topic being discussed. REMEMBER: Middle School is also about fostering independence- THINK BEFORE YOU ASK.
Classroom Procedures Make-up work If you are absent one day, check the “We missed you” bin when you return. This bin is placed near the homework board will contain all materials needed to make up your missed work. It is YOUR responsibility to pick up and complete any missed work.
Classroom Procedures Bathroom Policy Only EMERGENCIES will be permitted to use the restroom. You have 5 minutes between each class to use the restroom. (and lunch…)
Classroom Procedures What do I do if I finish my work early? Read a book. Work on Language Arts homework. You are NOT to talk while working individually.
Classroom Procedures How do I turn in my work? When you are finished with an assignment, you will turn it into your class period’s bin . The bins are located near my desk. Papers with no names on them will be placed in the “no name” bin- it is your responsibility to make sure you put your name on your work.
Classroom Procedures How do I exit the classroom when the bell rings? Leave the classroom when Ms. Yarborough permits you to do so. (**LISTEN FOR HW CHANGES.**) Just because the bells rings, this does not mean you are allowed to exit. Push your chair under your desk. Make sure the desk is where it was when you entered the classroom. Pick up any trash around your desk and throw it away on your way out of the door. If you did not do so already, turn in any class work into your class period’s bin.
Grading Grading scale: 93-100= A 85-92= B 77-84= C 70-76= D 69 or below= F
How your grade will be divided: 10% = Homework 10% = Language Arts Notebook Check 40% = projects, presentations, and class work 40% = quizzes and tests
LATE WORK POLICY 1 day late = -20 points 2 days late = -30 points Attention: this policy is for all of 6th grade!! 1 day late = -20 points 2 days late = -30 points 3 days late= -40 points 4 days late= NHI (50) If you turn your work in on time, you will NEVER have to worry about this policy!!
Where do I turn in late work? Fill out a late work slip (blue slips) Staple it to the assignment Turn it into your class period’s bin
Thematic Units 1= Who am I? 2= Belonging 3= Survival 4= Making Choices 5= What’s Your Point? 6= Where am I? **literature and assignments are tied to these themes**
Class Website Class work, homework, extra resources, questions