Welcome to Year 1 Mrs Robinson Mrs Lewin Mrs Alderson INA support to be confirmed
Routines/Expectations Half termly overview Web page Homework – 2 weekly PE kit – named, in a bag, PE shoes Reading Diary Spellings PTA
Topics/Trips Autumn Geography – Seasons Science –Materials History – Toys (Toy Museum trip - cost) Spring Science – Animals including humans/Senses (Sea Life Centre – cost) Art – Whole School Summer Geography – Maps (Local walks) Science – Plants/Life-cycles
We will let you know if your child is receiving any additional support outside of the main class at any point in the year. This may include LEAP groups to support with -reading -maths - motor skills and handwriting -phonics and spelling -Speech and language -Social skills -friendships
LEAP IN YEAR ONE Reading Recovery FFT Talk Boost Learning Mentor
Our Inclusion Coordinator is Isabel Reid She coordinates the additional support for learning (LEAP groups) and any social emotional and mental health needs (counselling, behaviour support, learning mentor and nurture groups). If have any concerns about your child, we can arrange for you to meet with her.
How can I help? Gross and fine motor – housework, colouring, threading, LEGO, cooking…follow child’s interest Swimming, climbing, ball skills Talking – full sentences Reading regularly, turn taking Join the library Playing games/turn taking (link to our History topic family favourite games)
Enjoy the summer! Reading Challenge Swimming Play