Bar directors - committees - sections State bar of texas CINDY OWENS – CELL (832) 250-3402 609 Colquitt, Houston, Texas 77006 committee Member: Local Bar Services Committee ( June 2018 – 2021) Bar directors - committees - sections
State bar directors The State Bar of Texas is governed by a board of directors with 46 voting members from across the state who volunteer their valuable time and professional experience.
Committee Members – Appointed by President Elect – Randy Sorrells COMMITTEES 1) Administration of Rules of Evidence: Chair Leslie Sara Hyman 2) Advertising Review: Chair Stephen L. Tatum 3) Annual Meeting: Chair Wendy Burgower & Chris Popov 4) Child Abuse & Neglect: Chair Tiffany Bartlett 5) Continuing Legal Education: Chair Xavier Rodriguez 6) Court Rules: Chair Kennon Wooten 7) Disability Issues: Chair Lynda Frost
Committee Members – Appointed by President Elect – Randy Sorrells COMMITTEES 8) Diversity in the Profession: Chair Glenwood Hill 9) Jury Service: Chair Kaci Singer 10) Law Focused Education: Chair Kevin Vela 11) Law Practice Management: Chair Dirk Jordan 12) Laws relating to Immigration & Nationality: Chair Linda Brandmiller 13) Lawyers’ Assistant Program: Chair Sakina Fost 14) Legal Services to the Poor in Civil Matters: Chair Matthew Probus
Committees 15) LOCAL BAR SERVICES: Chair Santos Vargas Has the express purpose of enhancing communication between State Bar leadership and local bar leaders to assist local bars in the management and development of their associations. 16) Membership Continuing Legal Education: Chair Nathan Anderson 17) Pattern Jury Charges – Business, Consumer, and Employment 18) Pattern Jury Charges – Criminal: Chair Wendell Odom 19) Pattern Jury Charges – Family & Probate: Chair Wendell Odom 20) Pattern Jury Charges – General negligence, Torts, Workers’ Compensation 21) Pattern Jury Charges – Malpractice, Premises and Products 22) Pattern Jury Charges – Oil & Gas
Committees 23) Professionalism 24) Public Affairs 25) Real Estate Forms 26) Texas Bar Journal Board of Editors 27) Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct 28) Women in the Profession
Bar Sections Administrative and Public Law $25.00 African American Lawyers Section Alternative Dispute Resolution $30.00 Animal Law $20.00 Antitrust & Business Litigation Appellate Section Asian Pacific Interest Section $15.00 Aviation Law Bankruptcy Law Business Law Child Protection Law Civil Liberties & Civil Rights Collaborative Law Computer and Technology Section Construction Law Consumer and Commercial Law Corporate Counsel Criminal Justice Entertainment & Sports Law Environmental & Natural Resources Family Law $40.00 General Practice, Solo & Small Firm Government Law Health Law
Bar Sections Hispanic Issues $20.00 Immigration and Nationality Law Immigration and Nationality Law Insurance Law $30.00 Intellectual Property Law International Law James C. Watson Inn $15.00 Judicial Justice of the Peace Courts Juvenile Law $25.00 Labor & Employment Law Legislative and Campaign Law LGBT Law Litigation - Regular Litigation - Sustaining $100.00
Bar Sections: Municipal Judges ------- Hispanic Issues $20.00 Military and Veterans Law $25.00 Municipal Judges $15.00 Insurance Law $30.00 Native American Law Section Oil, Gas & Energy Resources $35.00 International Law Poverty Law Public Utility Law Judicial Real Estate, Probate & Trust Law School Law Juvenile Law Tax $40.00 Women and the Law Legislative and Campaign Law Workers' Compensation Litigation - Regular Litigation - Sustaining $100.00