English one Vocab ten
bellow Verb To roar or make a sound like a roar Bellowed, bellows, bellowing To roar or make a sound like a roar Daredevil bellowed in fury after Bullseye killed his cat.
botch Verb To mess up something/do something poorly Botched, botches, botching To mess up something/do something poorly The Joker botched his attempt to capture and destroy Batman.
dilapidated Adjective Falling apart Captain America followed the Red Skull to a dilapidated building, where he was building his secret weapon.
Dismantle Verb To take apart Dismantles, dismantled, dismantling To take apart Wolverine single-handedly dismantled several Sentinels.
futile Adjective Ineffective/hopeless Superman’s attempt to negotiate with Lex Luthor was futile.
Grueling Adjective Exhausting Storm’s training sessions in Cerebro were grueling, and she had to rest for days after them.
hospitable Adjective (Opposite: Inhospitable) Friendly or welcoming to guests Black Panther ensures that Wakanda is inhospitable for villains.
Notorious Adjective Famous for a bad reason Deadpool is notorious for being unpredictable and unreliable.
Shirk Verb To avoid something you’re supposed to do Shirks, shirked, shirking To avoid something you’re supposed to do Thor believed that Iron Man would shirk his duty to the Avengers and leave them to fight alone.
timid Adjective Fearful/Shy Unlike Spider Man, Peter Parker is quite timid, especially when talking to ladies.
veto Verb To reject or cancel Vetoes, vetoed, vetoing To reject or cancel As the leader of the X-Men, Cyclops has the right to veto any bad ideas.
surplus Noun An extra amount of something Hulk has an unlimited surplus of strength.