Male Organ Facts You Didn’t Learn on the Street


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Presentation transcript:

Male Organ Facts You Didn’t Learn on the Street

Sure, a guy’s member has been with him ever since he was born – but how well does the average Joe really know his favorite personal appendage? And since he learned a lot of his information “on the street,” so to speak, how much of that information is maybe not 100% true? In the interests of better male organ health and an informed manhood- owning population, the following male organ facts are presented for reader edification.

Male organ facts A guy can’t really break his member. Although one often hears talk of a dude having a sensual encounter that goes devastatingly wrong, it’s technically impossible to fracture or break the manhood. That’s because the member doesn’t actually have a bone inside it – despite the nickname boner being applied to a stiff tumescence. When a man does have what is called a male organ fracture, it refers to a tear occurring in the tunica albuginea, the membrane surrounding the soft, spongy tissue in the member. The manhood does a lot of seed releasing. One source estimates that the average man releases seed 7,200 times during his lifespan. (assuming an active sensual life of 50 years, that’s 144 times per year.) Approximately 2,000 of those releases occur during self-pleasuring; whether that surprises an individual depends upon his own rate of self- pleasuring, of course.

And it releases at an impressive speed. According to one measurement, the average rate of speed of seed release is 28 miles per hour. More grow, fewer show. Most men tend to be growers – having a member which is relatively small when soft and grows substantially when firm – than showers – men whose soft length is much closer to their firm length. One survey puts the figure at 79% growers, 21% showers. Tumescences don’t wait for birth to begin. Thanks to advances in technology, we now know that little boy fetuses get just as excited as their adult counterparts. Males begin sprouting tumescences in the womb sometime around the third trimester.

Nighttime is the right time for tumescences. On average, a man will get firm 11 times during the course of the day – however, 9 of those occur at night, many of them while he is sleeping. A guy’s manhood is longer than he thinks it is. Really. Men (and some women) obsess about male organ size, so maybe it will make a guy feel better to realize his manhood is actually much longer than he thinks. About half of the organ is inside a man’s body. No, it may not be visible, but it’s there.

Men were encouraged to eat cornflakes to stop self-pleasuring. Throughout history, there have been some people who inordinately feared the supposed consequences of self-gratification. John Harvey Kellogg (of the popular cereal company) believed that his cornflakes could help dampen the sensual impulses that could lead to self- stimulation (as well as inappropriate coupling). However, there are plenty of dedicated cornflake fans who could testify to the fact that this plan simply didn’t work. The member shape helps prevent impregnation by another man. Many scientists believe that the pronounced head of the member evolved to help a man foil his rivals. It is believed that if a man penetrated a woman who had recently been penetrated by another male, the head could help “scoop out” seed deposited by a rival before it reached the egg.

There are other male organ facts a guy can’t learn on the street, including the need to pay special attention to male organ health on a regular basis. To do this, regular application of a first rate male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is required. For best results, a crème should contain both L-arginine and L-carnitine.. The former is an amino acid which helps boost nitric oxide and therefore helps keep male organ blood vessels open and expanded when necessary. The latter has neuroprotective properties which can help to protect manhood sensation, especially when the instrument is roughly handled.Man 1 Man Oil