Vail Resorts Marketing Project Introduction Jamie Golub Ryan Bastan Michelle Beehler
Agenda Background Focus Group Analysis Survey Analysis Recommendations Questions
Background Primary goal: To increase the market share of college students at Vail Resorts To help foster lifelong customer loyalty Multi-Step Research Plan Step 1: Qualitative Research Three focus groups were conducted with students on campus Step 2: Quantitative Research Survey was distributed online for students to complete Procedures for the project 1. Focus Group 2. Survey Change the objectives, either talk about perceptions, or go in the direction of market share Focus was on passes then randomly mention some of the others- explain that the largest expense is passes (why focus) Analyze high school senior discounts- only 30% before increase that number correlate to instate Approach to research
Focus Group Analysis Price Peer Pressure Here are some of the more important points that were discovered: Price One of the most important factors for college students Peer Pressure College students choose to ski where their friends ski Lack of Information available around campus or online
Survey Analysis Largest Market Share Value Here are some of the more important points that were discovered: Largest Market Share Vail Resorts holds a 64.2% of season pass holders Value More expensive pass, but still students favorite resort Results
Recommendations Hire campus representatives to: Promote/sell season passes during the first week of class (on campus) Distribute advertisements throughout campus and the rest of Boulder Promote and continue to advertise for Vail Resorts- get the word out
Create a website directed specifically for the college demographic Recommendations Create a website directed specifically for the college demographic The website should include: Events/Calendar Promotions Discounts An area for students to register with Vail Resorts and therefore have the opportunity to: Blog Receive newsletters and emails from Vail Resorts Advertisement Potential to network with other companies This will create extra revenue for Vail Resorts Suggestions Start Web site for college students Includes: Calendar of events Weather Discounts directed at them Registration- obtain contact list for college students (email) Ambassadors- blogging, relations on campus, facebook Because have the market share need to find a way to address students so that gain more and won’t loose any
Recommendations Identify and promote to high school seniors Research shows that: 50% of University of Boulder college students have lived in Colorado for 10 years or more 30% of students have purchased a season pass for 5 years or more Therefore: Need to capture the market share of high school seniors Implement a program for high school seniors Because peer pressure has so much to do with where another student purchases a pass, it is important to try and capture skiers who live in Colorado at an earlier age. Even before they get to college. This will lead to more Colorado natives to purchase a Vail Season pass their freshman year of college By capturing the market share of seniors who are in high school, Vail Resorts has a better chance of retaining these customers once they get to college.