Cancel Time Confirmations DPI Vehicle Fleet Management TE-4 IW45 Use this transaction to cancel PM work order confirmations. From the SAP R/3 System Easy Access screen or from your favorites, enter or select transaction code IW45. Click or hit Enter. The Cancel PM Order Confirmation: Initial screen displays. Enter the following information: - Order number Click or hit Enter. *If the Work Order has been TECO’d, a warning message will display. Click Yes on the dialog box.* The Cancel PM Order Confirmation: Operation Overview screen displays. Highlight the time confirmation row you wish to cancel. Click . The Cancel PM Order Confirmation: Actual data screen displays. Click . The Change Order confirmation text screen displays. Enter a reason, if required. Click to return to initial screen. A message appears in the Status Bar. Click or hit Enter if more confirmations on this work order need to be cancelled. Click to exit transaction. Basic Commands Back Cancel Help Exit Enter Save Execute December 2003 DPI Vehicle Fleet Management TE-4