Ewe Hottie This picture is of our booth at one of the festivals in Michigan. All the products in our booth come from our farms, either grown or made on them.
Pygora Dehaired pygora cloud and pygora blend hats. This is type A pygora fiber, we offer all three types of Pygora. Type A has the most luster and longest staple.
Pygora Scarf
Rug Yarn
Custom Blended Roving Custom blended roving made from dehaired pygora, dehaired icelandic, and dehaired shetland. This beautiful roving makes wonderful lace. The pygora adds great halo and luster while the wools add memory.
Award winning Cormo fleece First place cormo fleece. Cormo is a fine white wool. We sell cormo raw, washed and in combed top or dyed.
Icelandic Sheep Pelt We offer a limited number of pelts and horns (no worries, all animals died from natural causes - we love our sheepies!).
Hand dyed roving, hand spun yarn Wool roving, wool silk blends all hand dyed in custom color ways.
Specialty Spinning / Felting Batts
Hand Dyed Yarn
Homemade Natural Soap Real soap made into several tempting combinations of fragrances, colors, ingredients and exfoliators. We even use our own honey and milk in some recipes.
Raw Honey Straight from the farm. Raw honey spun from the comb with all its natural goodness.