Hello! @TPSMSUDenver Peggy O’Neill-Jones, Ed.D. Cynthia Stout, Ph.D. TPS Western Region Cynthia Stout, Ph.D. Colorado Encyclopedia Hello! TPS Colorado TPS Western Region Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources Metropolitan State University of Denver @TPSMSUDenver
Session Outcomes: Outline: Be introduced to searching strategies for the Library of Congress digital collection Be introduced to the Colorado Encyclopedia Participate in two Right Question Institute activities - abbreviated and complete Be asked to share your thoughts and ideas about teacher needs for both LOC and CE Outline: Boom and Bust through the Technology Lens Questioning Activity Finding resources on the LOC Colorado Encyclopedia RQI Activity Upcoming Workshops and Meeting Your Needs Presentation Outline Boom and Bust – Technology lens Gold Rush Depression Mining Salt producing to connect local to national 1:45 – 2:00 Brief Questioning Activity LC primary source – National salt production CE Salt Works – Colorado salt production http://coloradoencyclopedia.org/article/colorado-salt-works 2:00 – 2:15 Library of Congress – new look and searching 2:15 – 2:25 Colorado Encyclopedia 2:25 – 2:30 survey - 2:30 – 3:00 Full RQI Activity Question focus http://coloradoencyclopedia.org/image/salt-kettle-colorado-salt-works 3:00 – 3:15 – TPS workshops and WRSI How would they use the Encyclopedia? What parts are the most useful? What other sets do they want to see/ *Image Source: http://coloradoencyclopedia.org/image/bennett-avenue
THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS http://loc.gov http://www.loc.gov/item/2008678216/
COLORADO ENCYCLOPEDIA www.ColoradoEncyclopedia.org
BOOM OR BUST THROUGH THE LENS OF TECHNOLOGY Detroit Photographic Co. (ca. 1900) Battle Mountain mines, Cripple Creek. Colorado Cripple Creek United States, ca. 1900. [Photograph] Retrieved from the Library of Congress, https://www.loc.gov/item/2008678077/.
Questioning Activity
Question Writer (Viewing/Writing) Instructions: Read the description and purposes for Question Writer (on screen and back of primary source) Critically think about the primary source image Write down as many questions as you can in one minute Mark the close-ended question with a ‘C’, and the open-ended questions with an ‘O’ Choose the open-ended question you are most interested in and write it down on the front of the primary source Description: We digest much of our information by viewing pictures, illustrations, and videos. “Question Writer” is one way for learners to critically think about the world around them by asking purposeful questions about what they see. Purposes: Inspire thought-provoking questions Influence your thinking about information Engage with the world by coming to your own conclusions Actively explore a quick strategy for purposefully using primary sources to enhance teaching and learning *For more questioning strategies visit the Right Question Institute. (http://rightquestion.org/) Add national salt production images from LC and other boom and bust images We are going to use the intro activity from TLD. We will need image handouts with the place for a question. CE Images http://coloradoencyclopedia.org/image/salt-works-kettle-house http://coloradoencyclopedia.org/image/salt-works-ranch LOC Images Pump wheel at the salt wells, Mexico: https://www.loc.gov/item/det1994003383/PP/ and https://www.loc.gov/resource/det.4a27051/ Salt works at Salinas [California]: https://www.loc.gov/resource/det.4a27050/ Salt industry, Syracuse, N.Y: https://www.loc.gov/resource/det.4a12804/ Interior of salt mine: https://www.loc.gov/item/det1994022880/PP/ Salt mines: https://www.loc.gov/resource/cph.3g05217/
Library of Congress and Colorado Encyclopedia --- Searching --- Library of Congress and Colorado Encyclopedia
http://loc.gov The Good News: The Bad News: Over 60 million resources for your classroom The Bad News: Over 60 million resources for your classroom Not to worry…we’re here to help
Steps and hints for searching Teacher's Page loc.gov/teachers Searching loc.gov/search Narrow results on sidebar Digging Deeper World Digital Library wdl.org Online Exhibits loc.gov/exhibits Social Media loc.gov/connect Add steps and hints for searching the LC
Steps and hints for searching Search box Topics (drop down boxes) Themes, Maps, Timelines, Educators, Languages
Question Focus http://www.loc.gov/item/ggb2004003335/
The salt kettle from salt works http://coloradoencyclopedia.org/image/salt-kettle-colorado-salt-works The salt kettle from salt works
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Thanks! Any questions? You can find us at: @tpsmsudenver tpscolorado@msudenver.edu