Life Graph – Step #1 Today you’ll take the “The Times of Your Life” that you completed yesterday and begin to turn it into a “life graph”. You won’t use all of the details that you included on your life map sketch – just the ones that you feel are most important.
If your “Times of Your Life” graphic organizer is like mine, you have some positive and negative information to choose from. And that’s a good thing – because it’s rare to find a person whose life is 100% positive all the time. As you’ll see on the example of my life graph in just a moment, you’ll want to include both types of information in representing the life you’ve lived so far. Step 1
So what you’ll be creating today is a first draft of your life graph So what you’ll be creating today is a first draft of your life graph. It doesn’t have to be perfect…yet! Your work today should be done in pencil, so that you can make changes as you go. You can add things that weren’t on your life sketch if you want, but you must include a minimum of 10 pieces of information about yourself. Tomorrow, you’ll want to bring colored pencils or markers to class, as we’ll work on a final version of the graph then. The work you do tomorrow will be scored as a quiz grade. Step 1
Life Graph – Step #2 The “life graph” that you create in class today will be your FINAL version – and will be graded for a quiz grade. It is due before you leave class today. It should be done neatly, with straight lines, and legible handwriting. You should use colored pencils, markers, or crayons to make the graph colorful and to add images that represent some of the events you’ve included. (5 image minimum – though more would be great.) Be sure your dots don’t just give me someone’s name – you must explain the event/situation with at least enough information for me to understand what happened or why that detail is included on your graph. Don’t forget – now that we’ve covered proper nouns in class, I’ll be penalizing when you use them without correct capitalization. Step 2 -