Economy Report Japan
Card Type FeliCa China Hong Kong Octopus 14,000 Singapore Singapore* EZ-Link 9,000 Thailand Bangkok Bangkok Metro Smart card 350 Card Type Type A Korea Busan Hanaro Card 6,750 Mybi 6,940 China Beijing Yikatong card 14,180 Korea Seoul* Upass 26,150 T-Money7,590 Thailand Bangkok Bangkok Metro Smart card 450 BTS SKY Smart Pass 400 China Shanghai Shanghai Public Transportation Card 25,680 The current situation of the introduction of transport smart card in Asia India New Delhi Delhi Metro Smart Card 1,050 card:550, token:500) China Shenzhen Shenzhen TransCard 1,000 Japan Tokyo/Osaka Suica 23,110 Pasmo 6,610 ICOCA 3,370 PiTaPa 1,130 India New Delhi Delhi Metro Smart Card 950 card:450 token:500 * Type B card is introduced in Seoul and Singapore. Unit: thousand
Inter-operable transport smart card project (Japan) Public transport is environmentally-friendly TicketlessCashless Seamless with One card Inter-operable transport smart card
Promoting inter-operable transport Smart Card project aims for Trips by public transportation in Asian cities with one transport smart card without cash. Concretely, next three conveniences have to be realized. 1. To get the transport smart card of destination country in advance in a departure country 2. To add value to the transport smart card easily No need to exchange and add value with foreign currencies 3. To pass each Asian countrys ticket gate with one transport smart card The formation of the network to issue transport smart cards internationally The formation of international settlement systems of transport smart card The development of the common transport smart card coming up to the standard of each Asian countries Inter-operable transport smart card project (Japan)
2007 (fiscal year)2008 (fiscal year)2009 (fiscal year) ~ Ministerial Conference on Tours within China, Korea and Japan (last June) ASEAN- Japan Transport Ministers Meeting (last November). Examination at the expert committee Sep.13 th Starting 1 st expert committee Mar.24 th Final Report (6 th expert committee) Cooperation with Asian countries 1. Experiment of Selling inter- operable transport smart card internationally 2. Experiment of The international Post-Paid method 3. Experiment and development of the common transport smart card Coordination for practical use Experiment for practical use Inter-operable transport smart card project (Japan) MLIT-Japan are planning to continue the cooperation in this project and to further promote in Asia