3 PAYMENT TRANSACTIONS IN FINNISH BANKS Federation of Finnish Financial Services
4 CHEQUE PAYMENTS Federation of Finnish Financial Services
5 URGENT TRANSFERS Federation of Finnish Financial Services
6 CARD PAYMENTS Federation of Finnish Financial Services
7 VALUE OF BANK CARD- AND DEBIT CARD PAYMENTS Federation of Finnish Financial Services
8 GENERAL PURPOSE- AND ATM CARDS 31 DECEMBER 2012 Federation of Finnish Financial Services
9 PAYMENT CARDS* BY FEATURE Federation of Finnish Financial Services
10 NUMBER OF PAYMENT CARD TRANSACTIONS Federation of Finnish Financial Services
11 VALUE OF CARD PAYMENTS Federation of Finnish Financial Services
12 ONLINE BANKING CUSTOMERS AND TRANSACTIONS Federation of Finnish Financial Services
13 TUPAS IDENTIFICATIONS AND ONLINE PAYMENTS Federation of Finnish Financial Services
14 FINVOICE INTERMEDIATION SERVICE Federation of Finnish Financial Services
15 ATMS AND SELF SERVICE TERMINALS Federation of Finnish Financial Services
16 ATM TRANSACTIONS Federation of Finnish Financial Services
17 ATM WITHDRAWALS Federation of Finnish Financial Services
18 Figures1 Credit transfers refer to domestic payments that were in use until late 2011, and in which e.g. the payees account number was in the national format instead of IBAN. SEPA credit transfers include book transfers and SEPA transfers to other banks. Direct debiting means the payer has authorised the invoicer to debit a recurring payment from the payers account. Urgent transfers are payments made using banks special urgent payments service, and are transmitted between banks faster than ordinary payments. Figure 5 Offline debit cards are personal, international payment cards granted by a bank, and are linked to the customers bank account. Online debit cards are personal, international payment cards granted by a bank, and are linked to the customers bank account. Online debit card transactions are always authorised. Bank card (domestic debit) is a personal payment card granted by a bank and intended for domestic use. It is linked to the customers bank account. Figure 6 Combination card carries features from one or several payment cards. ATM card is issued by a bank for the customer to access his/her account. ATM cards are only intended for domestic use in ATMs. Figure 7 Credit card and charge card refer to cards that can be used at points-of-service which accept the card; their line of business is not restricted. THE FEDERATION OF FINNISH FINANCIAL SERVICES PUBLISHES STATISTICS ON ALL PAYMENT METHODS USED IN FINNISH PAYMENTS. THE STATISTICS DO NOT INCLUDE CASH PAYMENTS OR INTERNATIONAL PAYMENTS. AFTER 2008 THE DATA ON CARD TRANSACTIONS HAS BEEN COLLECTED FROM ISSUERS.
19 Figure 10 Data connection agreements are made between the bank and customer, and pertain to what payment methods and banks online services available to the customer. For consumers these agreements usually concern online banking services. For retail customers they usually concern data connections. Online bank transactions are payments made using an online bank. Customers access these services using online bank identifiers provided by their bank. Figure 11 Tupas Identification is strong electronic identification by means of online banking identifiers. Tupas identification is used in other online services than banks own services. Online payments are payments made in online shops without using any payment card. The funds are transferred from the customers account to the online merchants account. The customer confirms the click-and-pay transactions using his/her online banking identifiers in the online shop. Figure 12 Finvoice forwarding service includes those service providers who have signed the Finvoice forwarding service agreement. The service providers have agreed to manage the compilation of statistics. Sender and recipient agreements are service agreements between companies and service providers and pertain to the sending and reception of Finvoice messages. Reception notifications (consumers) include notifications of reception of an e-invoice by the consumer for a given reason for invoicing. Finvoice messages refer to e-invoices. Figures 13–15 The number of cash dispensing ATMs only includes Otto ATMs maintained by Automatia. There are also other cash dispensing ATMs in Finland that are not connected to the banks ATM network. Cash dispensing ATMs and payment ATMs are used with cards., Banks multi-service terminals (online bank terminals) are used with online banking identifiers. THE FEDERATION OF FINNISH FINANCIAL SERVICES PUBLISHES STATISTICS ON ALL PAYMENT METHODS USED IN FINNISH PAYMENTS. THE STATISTICS DO NOT INCLUDE CASH PAYMENTS OR INTERNATIONAL PAYMENTS. AFTER 2008 THE DATA ON CARD TRANSACTIONS HAS BEEN COLLECTED FROM ISSUERS.