NUTMON: an overview Gerdien Meijerink
Objectives of NUTMON (NUTrient MONitoring) Through nutrient monitoring: Increase awareness of soil fertility decline Find INM technologies that secure production and sustainability Find policy instruments to facilitate adoption
Context: Kenya, 1984: depletion is 24 kg N and 4 kg P per ha,yr (Stoorvogel and Smaling, 1990)
Nutrient Monitoring Activities NUTMON Projects 1994-1997 Pilot phase (methodology development) 1997-2005 Various applications: Participatory technology development Evaluation of spatial and temporal variability of soil fertility (management) Evaluation of low external input technologies Evaluation of current and potential land use practices Assessment of Peri-urban agriculture Regions: SSA (Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda, Burkina Faso, Mali) Asia (Vietnam, China)
Approach: Diagnosis Particip. INM technology dev. INM policy scenarios INM options Facilitating policies Farm/community level District/national level
Diagnosis at community level Farmers Research/ext/NGO Criteria/indicators Workshops Resource flow mapping Matrix ranking Indigenous INM technology Criteria/indicators Resource inventory Quantifying nut.balance Economic performance Literature review INM options Diagnosis workshop
Participatory technology development
Diagnosis at district and national level Stakeholders Research/extension/NGO Criteria/indicators Interview Workshops Criteria/indicators Literature review Identification policy instruments Modeling policy impact Diagnosis workshop
Policy / INM scenarios INM-options and Facilitating policy instruments Joint evaluation Stakeholders assessment
Approach at farm level Quick scan through participatory flow mapping Monitoring of a season/year (if required) Nutrient balance and economic performance Participatory technology development Implementation and monitoring
Participatory resource flow mapping
Quantitative assessments
Some results: nutrient stocks
Some results: nutrient flows
Why TOA? Limitations of NUTMON: Added benefits of TOA Analysis is at farmers’ field level Analysis limited to current practices Added benefits of TOA NUTMON results can be upscaled to district level Scenario’s involving NUTMON results with other trade-offs can be explored
Latest update on NUTMON NUTMON now part of MonQI: Monitoring for Quality Improvement MonQI: Nutrient monitoring (NUTMON) Labeling and certification (pesticide free production) Assessment of livelihoods (Tsunami victims) …..?