Maths about me By Domenic 5ec
My age!!
My statistic .length of leg 79cm, 790mm .length of arm 66cm, 660mm .length of leg 79cm,790mm .length of foot 33cm,330mm .width of foot 13cm,113mm .circumference of head 55cm,550mm
MY hand
Skin on my body The palm of my hand is about 1% of my body’s surface area. To calculate the amount of skin on my body: 73 x 100= 7,300 cm 2
My maths facts My house number is 50+7=57 My age number is 20/2 =10 I have 1x1=1 sibling ; a sister I won 8-2=6 trophies I play 6/2=3 instruments
My data The perimeter of my hand is 90cm The area of my hand is 73cm 2 The area of skin on my body is 7,300cm 2
Data graphs Column graph of the whole skin area of 10 members of 5ec A pie graph of the hand area of 10 members of 5ec
Data graph 2 This scatter graph shows the hand perimeters of 10 members of 5ec. The column graph was the most useful because it is easy to know who has the most skin area in 5ec
Averages averages
My decorated hand