Women Stenographers Hello girls Gibson girls
Children Factory workers Mine workers Long hours Dangerous jobs Little pay
Unions are Made Individual workers were powerless to fight against corrupt business Union are created to fight for the rights and benefits of the worker Even when workers would strike company could order them to return to work, by using the courts to order the end of the strike. If worker still refused to return to work, federal troops were called in to arrest or forcibly send them back to work
National Labor Union Formed in 1866 United many workers nationally The depression of 1870 brought the power of the union to an end
Knights of Labor Took the place of the National Labor Union Started as a secret society Private ritual Passwords Special handshake Sought to unite workers into one large union Campaigned for economic and social reform Codes of safety and health More successful than its predecessor
Haymarket Square May 4, 1886 Meeting is called to protest brutality from the authorities A dynamite bomb is thrown into the crowd injuring and killing dozens of people, including people 8 anarchists were rounded up, nothing could be proved but they were convicted of conspiracy, 5 were sentenced to death, other three given stiff prison sentences Knights of Labor was falsely associated with bomb and slowly fell into obscurity