The limitations of thoracic endovascular aortic repair in altering the natural history of blunt aortic injury  Jennifer L. Lang, MD, Joseph P. Minei,


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Presentation transcript:

The limitations of thoracic endovascular aortic repair in altering the natural history of blunt aortic injury  Jennifer L. Lang, MD, Joseph P. Minei, MD, J. Gregory Modrall, MD, G. Patrick Clagett, MD, R. James Valentine, MD  Journal of Vascular Surgery  Volume 52, Issue 2, Pages 290-297 (August 2010) DOI: 10.1016/j.jvs.2010.03.013 Copyright © 2010 Society for Vascular Surgery Terms and Conditions

Fig 1 Algorithm depicting clinical outcome of 81 patients with blunt aortic injury (BAI) who arrived alive at the hospital during a recent 10-year period. Journal of Vascular Surgery 2010 52, 290-297DOI: (10.1016/j.jvs.2010.03.013) Copyright © 2010 Society for Vascular Surgery Terms and Conditions

Fig 2 Computed tomography (CT) angiogram showing traumatic aortic disruption with extravasation in a patient who died in the operating room before repair could be attempted. Journal of Vascular Surgery 2010 52, 290-297DOI: (10.1016/j.jvs.2010.03.013) Copyright © 2010 Society for Vascular Surgery Terms and Conditions