(Winter 2017) Instructor: Craig Duckett Lecture 11: Thursday, February 9th Phase 2: Design Prep Workday
PHASE 2: DESIGN DUE Thursday, February 16th , uploaded to Team Web Site and ZIPPED and uploaded to StudentTracker by Phase 2 Project Manager Phase 3: Develop due Tuesday, March 2nd
The Team Project Five Phase Due Dates One (1) Team Project for a Client (3-to-4 Members on Team) 1000 points Total Phase 1: Discovery (200 Points) Phase 2: Design (200 Points) DUE THURSDAY, February 16th Phase 3: Develop (200 Points) DUE THURSDAY, March 2nd Phase 4: Distribute (200 Points) DUE THURSDAY, MARCH 9th Phase 5: Documentation (200 Points) DUE THURSDAY, MARCH 16th (Last Day of Class)
PHASE 02: Design Walk-Through PHASE 2: Project Design Build upon the analysis from the discovery phase to create a conceptual data model and present it to the class.
PHASE 02: Design Walk-Through A: Data Table Descriptions Use the list of subjects, along with implied subjects in the mission objectives, data processes, and characteristics to create a table list for your team database. Make certain the list is comprehensive, so that your database will meet all of your project objectives. Spend time refining the table names and descriptions so that they are clear, unambiguous, descriptive, and meaningful to yourself and the client. Table descriptions should include a subject definition and a description of why the subject is important to the mission.
PHASE 02: Design Walk-Through B. Field Descriptions and Primary Keys Review the characteristics you created from Phase 1 to create a set of fields associated with each table in the data model. Make certain your suggested fields meet the requirements of an Ideal Field (distinct, single-valued, simple, and unique.) Write a description for each field that accurately identifies the field and clearly states its purpose. Assign or create a primary key field for each table. The key field should allow you to uniquely identify each record in the table.
PHASE 02: Design Walk-Through C. Conceptual or Logical Data Model (Data Tables, Fields, Relationships) Base on your understanding of the different types of relationships between subjects identify all the relationships between the data tables. Identify the type of relationship and type of participation in the relationship that is necessary for achieving the mission outcomes. Diagram the data model using the notation for one-to-many, many-to-many relationships, and the type of participation.
PHASE 02: Design Walk-Through D. Present your Relational Data Model Prepare a presentation of your relational data model. Briefly discuss how the model will allow the client to accomplish each mission objective. Note any challenges in your design process, or outstanding design issues.
PHASE 02: Design Walk-Through E. Final Submissions for Design (Due Lecture 13 / Week 7) The list of table names and descriptions and field names and descriptions. The table structure listing all fields and primary key assignments in outline form. A relationship diagram that includes all data tables, their fields, and their relationships showing the relationship’s participation (optional or mandatory.) A presentation of your relational data model and how it meets your mission objectives.
Phase 2: Design Work Day