Low grade intraductal proliferations: ADH vs DCIS September 25, 2018 Megan L. Troxell MD/PhD
Histologic spectrum UDH ADH LG DCIS
Histologic spectrum UDH ADH LG DCIS UDH ADH LG DCIS Clinically actionable threshold for core biopsyexcision (USA, historic) We use criteria of Page and Rogers; Dutch try to avoid ADH dx Other speakers prob won’t cover ‘overtreatment’ or DCIS trials UDH ADH LG DCIS Clinically actionable threshold for margin re-excision
Usual Ductal Hyperplasia 1) Architecture Irregular fenestrations; irregular bridges (twisted) Spaces peripheral within duct (slit-like) Uneven distribution and overlapping of nuclei Nuclei “Streaming” Logs in a river, school of salmon 2) Cytology Multiple cell types, sizes, heterogeneous Indistinct cell borders Variable nuclear morphology, +/- grooves Nuclei more elongated than round; normochromatic; overlapping 3) Size (any) British: hyperplasia of the usual type
Usual Ductal Hyperplasia
Low Grade DCIS 1) Architecture 2) Cytology ‘clonal’ Round, regular spaces “punched out” Rigid bars, >=2 cells thick Cells polarize around spaces 2) Cytology ‘clonal’ Nuclei uniform, enlarged, round Cells evenly spaced, nuclei non-overlapping, distinct borders, ‘tiled’ 3) Size: at least 2 mm & 2 spaces
ADH: Atypical Ductal Hyperplasia Definition: some but not all the features of low grade DCIS Architecture: mixed or insufficient Cytology: mixed or insufficient Size <2mm even if architecture & cytology perfectADH -- Architecture of DCIS w/o cytologyADH -- Cytology of DCIS w/o architectureADH
UDH Florid hyperplasia w/o atypia British HUT (hyperplasia of the usual type Page & Rogers. “ Combined Histologic & Cytologic Criteria for the Diagnosis of Mammary Atypical Ductal Hyperplasia.” Human Pathology 1992; 23 (10):1095
Caveats and immunophenotype Intermediate grade nuclei DCIS Regardless of size or architecture Spindle cell DCIS looks less monotonous Large, dark nuclei; may be neuroendocrine DDx also includes lobular neoplasia (ALH/LCIS) Necrosis does not mandate DCIS (or ADH) IHC doesn’t apply to columnar or apocrine Morphology still rules; could call UDH mosaic/mosaic If flat, columnar cell lesion (CCL)/flat epithelial atypia (FEA)/clinging DCIS IHC stains?? CK5(6) ER UDH +/mosaic Non-uniform ADH/LG-DCIS Negative Diffuse+
UDH: CK5/6 ADH: CK5/6 ADH: ER UDH: ER ADH: right side, same as morphologic exampleWorks for other HMWT CK also 34betaE12 Apocrine and CCL negative for CK5 (Lee); CCL +ER, apocrine -ER Lerwill: DCIS is positive for Ecadherin and shows negative or reduced staining for cytokeratin 34bE12, while LCIS is negative for E-cadherin and positive for cytokeratin 34bE12 (Table 2). This isn’t used [doesn’t work for ck5] Lee says LCIS is usually CK5 neg
Cases Swirling; slits? Architecture? Punched out; rigid? Mixed, overlapping cells? Cytology? O-36 UDH MONOTONOUS, ROUND, NON-OVERLAPPING? Monotonous; non-overlapping? Size?
UDH Cases Swirling; slits? Architecture? Mixed, overlapping cells? Cytology? O-36 UDH UDH Size?
Mixed, overlapping cells? Swirling; slits? Architecture? Punched out; rigid? Mixed, overlapping cells? Cytology? DCIS if > 2mm Monotonous; non-overlapping? Size?
DCIS Architecture? Punched out; rigid? Cytology? DCIS if >2 mm Monotonous; non-overlapping? Size?
Swirling; slits? Architecture? Punched out; rigid? Mixed, overlapping cells? Cytology? Monotonous; non-overlapping? Size?
ADH Architecture? Punched out; rigid? Cytology? Monotonous; non-overlapping? Size? Duct partially involved
Mixed, overlapping cells? Swirling; slits? Architecture? Punched out; rigid? Mixed, overlapping cells? Cytology? Adh o-19 Monotonous; non-overlapping? Size?
ADH Swirling; slits? Architecture? Punched out; rigid? Mixed, overlapping cells? Cytology? Adh o-19 Monotonous; non-overlapping? ADH not uniformly involved Size?
Mixed, overlapping cells? Swirling; slits? Architecture? Punched out; rigid? Mixed, overlapping cells? Cytology? O18,21 UDH Monotonous; non-overlapping? Size?
UDH Swirling; slits? Architecture? Mixed, overlapping cells? Cytology? O18,21 UDH UDH Size?
Mixed, overlapping cells? Swirling; slits? Architecture? Punched out; rigid? Mixed, overlapping cells? Cytology? Adh Monotonous; non-overlapping? Size?
ADH not uniformly involved Swirling; slits? Architecture? Punched out; rigid? Mixed, overlapping cells? Cytology? Not high enough power for cytology And papillary; right next to DCIS Monotonous; non-overlapping? ADH not uniformly involved Size?
Mixed, overlapping cells? Swirling; slits? Architecture? Punched out; rigid? Mixed, overlapping cells? Cytology? O28 lobular Monotonous; non-overlapping? Size?
ALH Architecture? Nearly solid Cytology? Monotonous; non-overlapping? O28 lobular Monotonous; non-overlapping? Size?
Mixed, overlapping cells? Swirling; slits? Architecture? Punched out; rigid? Mixed, overlapping cells? Cytology? O28 lobular Monotonous; non-overlapping? Size?
Not low grade nuclei: DCIS Swirling; slits? Architecture? Mixed, overlapping cells? Cytology? O28 lobular Not low grade nuclei: DCIS Size?
Same case: DCIS O28 lobular
Mixed, overlapping cells? Swirling; slits? Architecture? Punched out; rigid? Mixed, overlapping cells? Cytology? O28 lobular Monotonous; non-overlapping? Size?
Collagenous spherulosis Architecture? Punched out; rigid? Mixed, overlapping cells? Cytology? Mixed epi/myoepi; basement membrane matrix in center. Should be microsocopic, incidental May be colonized by LCIS (Not here) Collagenous spherulosis Size?
Mixed, overlapping cells? Swirling; slits? Architecture? Punched out; rigid? Mixed, overlapping cells? Cytology? O32-33 UDH; SKIP? Finish 6:50 Monotonous; non-overlapping? Size?
UDH Swirling; slits? Architecture? Mixed, overlapping cells? Cytology? O32-33 UDH UDH Size?
Mixed, overlapping cells? Swirling; slits? Architecture? Punched out; rigid? Mixed, overlapping cells? Cytology? DCIS if >2mm Monotonous; non-overlapping? Size?
DCIS Architecture? Punched out; rigid? Cytology? DCIS if >2mm Monotonous; non-overlapping? Size?
Micropapillary pattern May not involve uniform circumference of duct Describe club shaped, uniform cells (if mature toward top ADH, etc)
Architecture Cytology Size UDH ADH DCIS LG Swirling-streaming, irregular serpiginous slit-like spaces Irregular nuclear shape, position, overlapping; ill defined intercellular borders ADH Usually partial involvement (2+ populations) Some cells as DCIS Often columnar population At least 6-7 “bothersome” cells, or 1 bar DCIS LG Uniform, punched out spaces, rigid bars, polarized around lumens Uniform oval to rounded nuclei, pale cytoplasm; distinct cell borders* 2 mm and 2 ducts *exception: spindle cell DCIS ADH vs. DCIS: When in doubt, more benign dx appropriate
Oversampled 40-49 & dense breasts Oversampled atypia (real-life 4-10%) JAMA. 2015;313:1122-32 Reported ADH rates 3-15%, study says 4-10% but absolute 64-160K patients; Agreement by experts: 90% N=115 pathologists, each w/ 60 cases (4 unique sets) 1 H&E slide; no consult Also analyzed most frequent participant dx for tricky cases—no change **2 of 3 experts missing microinvasive carcinoma initially Pathologists fromoutside of academic settings, thosewho interpret lowerweekly volumes of breast cases and those from small-sized practiceswere statistically significantly less likely to agreewith the consensus-derived reference diagnosis. Overall agreement 75.3% Study set Benign (UDH, CCC etc) 72 Atypia 72 DCIS 73 Invasive CA 23 Oversampled 40-49 & dense breasts Oversampled atypia (real-life 4-10%)
Concordance for all 240 cases, by category Category is expert interpretation Concordance for all 240 cases, by category We show all ADH/LG DCIS to 2nd breast pathologist
Columnar Cell Change
Columnar Cell Change Variably dilated acini (cystic) Apical snouts--not bright apocrine cytoplasm Luminal secretions/calc (more prominent w/ atypia/hyperplasia) Flat Epithelial Atypia (formerly Columnar Cell Change/Hyperplasia with Atypia) Associated with synchronous ADH, DCIS, invasive carcinoma (esp tubular), lobular neoplasia Subsequent risk ~that of ADH (“Clinging carcinoma” Flat HIGH GRADE DCIS)
Columnar Cell Change Columnar Cell Change Columnar Cell Hyperplasia Acini lined by 1-2 cell layers Uniform, ovoid-elongated nuclei, perpendicular to BM. Nucleoli inconspicuous Columnar Cell Hyperplasia Stratification, tufts. NO complexity or DCIS architecture Nuclei as above; may be overlapping. Flat Epithelial Atypia Flat growth pattern, monomorphic. Stratification OK. Cytology of LG DCIS Round (ovoid) nuclei. enlarged, +/- nucleoli, lack polarity. O’Malley. Mod Pathol. 19:172-79. 2006
Comparative Cytologic Features Columnar Cell Change Columnar Cell HP Flat Epithelial Atypia Dr. James Connolly, PNWSP 2005
FEA vs. apocrine epithelium Feature FEA Apocrine Apical snouts Yes Granular eosinophilic cytoplasm No Hobnail cells Psammomatous calcification ER expression Bcl-2 expression From L Collins. Harvard Breast Course 2014 Apocrine Metaplasia FEA