Snowflake Bentley
Part of Mary’s ______ when she is running is to breathe in and out through her mouth. a) blizzard b) technique c) foolishness d) microscope
Excellent technique – noun – a method or way of bringing about a desired result in a science, an art, a sport, or a profession
If at First .... Try Again
I wanted to race across the street, but my mom will not allow that ________. a) evaporate b) blizzard c) technique d) foolishness
foolishness – noun – the act of not showing good sense Excellent foolishness – noun – the act of not showing good sense
To see small cells in the body, one needs to use a ______. a) technique b) foolishness c) microscope d) magnify
Excellent microscope – noun – a device for looking at things that are to small to be seen with the naked eye
Devices such as microscopes help to _______ small things. a) magnify b) inspire c) negatives d) evaporate
Excellent magnify – verb – to make something look bigger than it really is
Nature can _______ some people to write poetry. a) foolishness b) microscope c) magnify d) inspire
Excellent inspire – verb – to stir the mind, feelings, or imagination
The photographer looked at the _______ through the magnifier. a) microscope b) magnify c) inspire d) negatives
Excellent negatives – plural noun – photographic images made when film is developed.
When heat makes water _______, the water seems to disappear. a) inspire b) negatives c) evaporate d) blizzard
Excellent evaporate – verb – to change from a liquid or solid into a gas
No one should try to drive in a ________. a) negatives b) evaporate c) blizzard d) technique
Excellent blizzard – noun – a strong windstorm marked by intense cold and blowing snow
Susan Ging Lent Production Words are Fun See you next week Susan Ging Lent Production