FRQ Practice: Social Psychology Prosecutor/Accused Robbery Scenario
CHUG SODAS Concise Handwriting Underline terms Get rid of intro/conclusion Space between terms Organize Define each term used Apply each to prompt Synonyms
Point One: Belief Perseverance Did they underline the term and clearly identify/organize their point? Did they define it correctly? Belief perseverance is the tendency for people to hold their beliefs as true, even when there is ample evidence to discredit the belief. Did they apply it to the situation given? Score if they were able to relate their knowledge of the term to EITHER OR BOTH the prosecutor or the accused
Point Two: Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Did they underline the term and clearly identify/organize their point? Did they define it correctly? A self-fulfilling prophecy is a prediction that directly or indirectly causes itself to become true, by the very terms of the prophecy itself, due to positive feedback between belief and behavior. Did they apply it to the situation given? Score if they were able to relate their knowledge of the term to EITHER OR BOTH the prosecutor or the accused
Point Three: Cognitive Dissonance Did they underline the term and clearly identify/organize their point? Did they define it correctly? Cognitive dissonance is the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change. Did they apply it to the situation given? Score if they were able to relate their knowledge of the term to EITHER OR BOTH the prosecutor or the accused
Point Four: F.A.E. Did they underline the term and clearly identify/organize their point? Did they define it correctly? The fundamental attribution error is our tendency to explain someone's behavior based on internal factors, such as personality or disposition, and to underestimate the influence that external factors, such as situational influences, have on another person's behavior. Did they apply it to the situation given? Score if they were able to relate their knowledge of the term to EITHER OR BOTH the prosecutor or the accused
Point Five: Confirmation Bias Did they underline the term and clearly identify/organize their point? Did they define it correctly? Confirmation bias is the tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of one's existing beliefs or theories. Did they apply it to the situation given? Score if they were able to relate their knowledge of the term to EITHER OR BOTH the prosecutor or the accused
Point Six: Stereotypes Did they underline the term and clearly identify/organize their point? Did they define it correctly? Stereotypes area widely held but fixed and oversimplified images or ideas of a particular type of person or thing Did they apply it to the situation given? Score if they were able to relate their knowledge of the term to EITHER OR BOTH the prosecutor or the accused
Point Seven: Self-Serving Bias Did they underline the term and clearly identify/organize their point? Did they define it correctly? The self-serving bias is people's tendency to attribute positive events to their own character but attribute negative events to external factors. Did they apply it to the situation given? Score if they were able to relate their knowledge of the term to EITHER OR BOTH the prosecutor or the accused