December 18 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Evolution of European Regulation on UWB] Date Submitted: [“14 november, 2006”] Source: [Jean Schwoerer] Company [France Telecom R&D] Address [28 chemin du vieux chênes 38240 FRANCE ] Voice:[+33 4 76 76 44 83], FAX: [+33 4 76 76 44 50], E-Mail:[] Re: [.] Abstract: [Description of document contents.] Purpose: [To inform 802.15.4a of the evolution of EU regulation] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Jean Schwoerer, France Telecom R&D
Evolution of the European rules on UWB December 18 Evolution of the European rules on UWB Jean Schwoerer, France Telecom R&D
ECC decision 06/04 (reminder) December 18 ECC decision 06/04 (reminder) ECC has decided to allow UWB activity on the high band (6 GHz -> 8.5 GHz) with -41.3 dBm/MHz power lever No particular restriction on this band (either DAA or LDC) Clearly, the upper band (6 – 8.5 GHz) is the long term band for UWB operation. Jean Schwoerer, France Telecom R&D
December 18 ECC decision 06/04 Jean Schwoerer, France Telecom R&D
ECC Decision & Band plan December 18 ECC Decision & Band plan Band Number BW/Separation (MHz) Low Freq. Center Freq. High Freq. 5 499.2 6240.0 6489.6 6739.2 6 6988.8 7238.4 7 1081.6 5948.8 7030.4 8 7488.0 7737.6 9 (mandatory) 7987.2 8236.8 10 8486.4 8736.0 11 1331.2 7321.6 8652.8 4 7 4 11 4 15 -41.3 5 6 8 9 10 12 13 14 PSD dBm/MHz -65 6.00 6.25 6.50 6.75 7.00 7.25 7.50 7.75 8.00 8.25 8.50 8.75 9.00 9.25 9.50 9.75 10.00 10.25 10.50 10.75 fGHz Jean Schwoerer, France Telecom R&D
ECC decision 06/04 Bandplan worldwide compliance : December 18 ECC decision 06/04 Bandplan worldwide compliance : 4 500 MHz wide channels (5, 6, 8 and 9) are usable in Europe Channel 7 will require additional filtering Common band with Japan is not so "ultra-wide" : 7,25 -> 8.5 GHz Only two channels (8 and 9) But the mandatory channel is allowed WW Jean Schwoerer, France Telecom R&D
December 18 Lower band & LDC Report 94 has been approved in June by ECC TG3 and draft decision has been submitted for public consultation in July Public consultation end in September and comments were heard by ECC TG3 meeting #16 in October. Report has been approved and will be forwarded to ECC for final approval at the next ECC meeting (end of November) Jean Schwoerer, France Telecom R&D
doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> December 18 Lower band & LDC Low Duty Cycle technical requirement are (reminder) : Ton max = 5 ms Toff mean ≥ 38 ms (averaged over 1 sec) Σ Toff > 950 ms per second Σ Ton < 5% per second and 0.5% per hour After ECC final decision, UWB devices implementing this limits will be able to use the lower band (3.4 to 4.8 GHz) with -41,3 dBm/ MHz power level. Next work item : The 3.1 to 3.4 GHz need additional studies and measurement to ensure airborne radar protection (NATO). Jean Schwoerer, France Telecom R&D <author>, <company>
Lower Band & Band plan Band Number BW/Separation (MHz) Low Freq. December 18 Lower Band & Band plan Band Number BW/Separation (MHz) Low Freq. Center Freq. High Freq. 1 499.2 3244.8 3494.4 3744 2 3744.0 3993.6 4243.2 3 (mandatory) 4492.8 4742.4 4 1331.2 3328 4659.2 344 MHz 57,6 MHz 4 2 1 2 3 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.75 5.00 fGHz Jean Schwoerer, France Telecom R&D
Lower band & Phased approach December 18 Lower band & Phased approach A study started (WG-RA) in July on enforcement of the cut-off date of the phased approach. Administrations want to be sure that the UWB industry will stop selling first generation devices after the cutt-off date. Negotiation are on-going around a MoU between industry and administration, in which UWB actors agree to stop selling 1G devices after the cutt-off date. But costumer will still be allowed to uses their 1G product. Cutt-off date is under negotiations (could be 2010 or 2012). This would allow a faster convergence between administration and UWB industry if administrations get confident enough.. It's not the case for the moment. Anyway, Europe has very clearly identified the upper band for long term UWB operation. Jean Schwoerer, France Telecom R&D
Lower band & Phased approach December 18 Lower band & Phased approach 3. Definitions 1G - A 1G device is a UWB communication device operating without mitigation technique in the 4.2-4.8 GHz frequency band under the "phased approach" regulations. 2G - A 2G device is a UWB communication device operating in the 4.2-4.8 GHz frequency band with mitigation technique. 4. Terms and Conditions The signatories of this document: a) commit to develop and employ techniques which will insure that consumers of 1G devices will be able to migrate to 2G devices and preserve most if not all of the value of the 1G product when it operates in a network containing 2G participants. This work will be conducted, at the discretion of the signatories in appropriate standards or industry fora. b) agree to cease sales of 1G products within Europe at the designated cut-off date. Due to the structure of distribution of UWB products, it is not possible for manufacturers to guarantee that products will not find their way into Europe after the cut-off date as intermediary companies are involved which are beyond the control of the signatories. A good faith effort will be made by the signatories to achieve the effect. Jean Schwoerer, France Telecom R&D
December 18 Lower Band & DAA No clear progress. Regulation Efforts are mainly focused on phased approach. But a lot of technical work on cognitive radio which can be very usefull for DAA (IEEE P1900) Technical studies on cooperative and non-cooperative basis are on-going in different organization (IST Project Pulsers II) Jean Schwoerer, France Telecom R&D
December 18 Other Topics RADAR 8.5 to 9 GHz : No progress up to now, due to the key priority given to radars systems below 5GHz. This category of radars will be addressed at the next ECC TG3 meeting. RADAR 2.7-3.4 GHz: TG3 raised protection level for RADAR in the band from 2.7-3.4 GHz from –85 dBm/MHz to –70 dBm/MHz Power level 3.4-3.8 GHz: no agreement, simulation results provided by proponents will be studied by WiMax forum until 3.11.06 Jean Schwoerer, France Telecom R&D