SHF Advisory Board meeting 30 August 2018
AGENDA SHF status Standard allocation Reserve allocation Funding SHF reserve Monitoring Standard allocation Proposed allocation for increase amount Reserve allocation Endorsement West Kordofan floods response Review UNHCR request for refugee support in Khartoum open areas AGENDA
SHF Status
1. Funding Status Total contribution: $ 13,813,759 2018 contributions: $ 40,898,162 Total received (incl. carry over): $ 54,711,921 Total allocations 1st Semester: $30,266,745.18 Total available now: $24,445,175 Third allocation proposal: $16,000,000 Reserve for Emergencies proposal: $ 4,000,000 Committed Protracted Displacement Krenik: $1,500,000
2. Reserve for Emergencies Operational Manual: “The Reserve for Emergencies will constitute minimum 20 per cent of the fund’s annual contributions” Positioning statement 2016-2018: “The Reserve for Emergencies, guided by specific criteria, equaling a minimum of 20% of the overall SHF is foreseen in 2016,17,18 alongside other allocations”
2. Reserve for Emergencies Global handbook: “It is up to the HC to activate the reserve allocation to respond to emergency and/or unforeseen needs. In such cases, the HC maintains a certain amount of available funding for the reserve. No specific percentage is recommended, and the general principle should be that any funding that is not programmed through standard allocations could be allocated through the reserve in case of need. The decision to accept project proposals from the reserve rests with the HC. If addressing emergency needs, the AB will be consulted and decision of the HC will be made with 48 hours. The HC, under exceptional circumstances, can approve reserve allocations and notify the AB post factum”
% of overall allocations 2. Reserve for Emergencies Year Amount Spent % of overall allocations 2015 3,000,000 6% 2016 9,589,488 25% 2017 4,060,000 12.5% 2018 1,762,374 7%
3. SHF Monitoring Field Monitoring Status Field Monitoring Requirement Total Not subject for field monitoring Subject for field monitoring Conducted 31 36 67 Not Conducted 8 16 Grand Total 39 44 83 16 projects are not or not yet monitored with following details: a. 8 not monitored due to Gov. permit (one - Abyei) & fuel crisis (seven - SK) b. Remaining 8 projects not subject for field monitoring will be covered after raining season.
3. 2017 – 2018 SHF Monitoring Performance Overall Field Monitoring Performance (83 projects) Field Monitoring Performance According to SHF Operational Modality (44 projects)
3. 2017 – 2018 SHF Monitoring Performance Field Monitoring Mission Type
2. Reserve for Emergencies Amount remaining in Reserve: $ 7.5 million Amount earmarked: $ 1.3 million Suggestion to move to 3rd Allocation: $ 3.5 million Remaining in Reserve: $ 2.7 million (for next 4 months)
Standard Allocation
3rd Standard Allocation Initial Allocation: $ 10 million Additional contribution: $ 2.5 million Adding Reserve: $ 3.5 million New envelope: $16 million
3rd Standard Allocation SHF CERF States SK, BN + (ND, CD (JM)) SK, BN, ND, CD (JM), WK, RS, WN Sectors FSL, HEA, NUT, WASH FSL, HEA, NUT, WASH, EDU Complementarity Operational support (NGOs) Supplies, pipelines (UN) Envelope $ 10,000,000 (+ $ 6,000,000) $ 20,000,000
Reserve Allocation
Reserve for Emergencies (En Nuhud) Background Heavy rains and flash floods 4,776 houses destroyed (HH assets lost) 5,000 HHs facing harsh weather conditions 33 public facilities destroyed (incl. schools and health clinics) 2,538 HH latrines destroyed Damage to main water supply system ( 2 out of 6 main boreholes not working causing water shortage Current response CONCERN: mobile clinics, surveillance, hygiene and health promotion, vector control, and water chlorination UNHCR: 3,000 NFI kits distributed (2,000 emergency shelters planned) SRCS & Gov: food/NFIs WFP: 3 mths rations to 5,000HHs planned A recent assessment was conducted by led by OCHA consisting of UNICEF, WHO, UNHCR, WFP and CONCERN, 31 July to 2 August to assess the humanitarian needs caused by the floods.
Reserve for Emergencies (En Nuhud) Most urgent gaps Provision of safe drinking water Emergency latrines Hygiene promotion Continuation of health services Emergency classrooms (and school latrines) Debris removal and environmental cleaning Livelihoods support to recover and restore normal life Justification for SHF support The case is built on strong coordination between OCHA field office and the sub-sectors and recent assessment Sudden onset and significant deterioration Response is time critical and will complement existing response Despite the efforts made so far by the government, UN agencies SRCS and CONCERN the existing gap is still bigger than the available capacity.
Reserve for Emergencies (En Nuhud) Proposed Response Provision of safe drinking water Emergency latrines Hygiene promotion Continuation of health and nutrition services Emergency classrooms (and school latrines) Provision of shelter and dignity kits
Response is targeting 5,000 HHs for eight months Reserve for Emergencies (En Nuhud) Organisation Sector Budget (US$) CIS WASH/NFI/PROTECTION 620,000 CONCERN HEALTH/NUTRITION 670,000 TOTAL 1,290,000 Response is targeting 5,000 HHs for eight months
Reserve for Emergencies (Khartoum – SS Refugees) Request submitted by RCF for Refugee response in Khartoum open areas Request: US$ 2 million for multi-sectoral response by SHF partners (NNGOs, INGOs and UN) Target area and beneficiaries: Bantiu and Naivasha for 57,685 South Sudanese refugees