Primary vs. Secondary Sources


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Primary vs. Secondary Sources
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Presentation transcript:

Primary vs. Secondary Sources Objective: Students will be able to identify primary and secondary sources.

Primary Sources Primary sources are the ___________________sources of information recorded ________________________________________________. First-hand accounts of events Historical documents Examples ___________________________ Poetry Personal Interviews Autobiographies Artifacts Editorial Cartoons Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, DC 20540

Why use primary sources? To explain how major events are related to each other in time. To think critically and distinguish between __________ and _________________. To recognize ___________________________in print and visual materials.

Secondary Sources Secondary sources of information are derived from ________________________________ Summaries of primary sources Analyses or interpretations of primary sources Examples _______________________ Biographies Books written recently on a topic that happened in the past

Why use secondary sources? To get ____________________opinions in order to evaluate what really happened. To gain insight by examining the same __________________ from different __________________________. To save time by reading information collected from a number of different ____________________.

Primary or Secondary? Do you know the difference? Read the following examples of sources. Identify if each is a Primary Source by writing a P on the line or a Secondary Source, write S. ________ 1. Diary kept by John Smith, a soldier in the Confederate Army ________ 2. Photograph of Dr. George Washington Carver taken in 1898 ________ 3. Biography of George Washington ________ 4. Newspaper article about the assassination of President Kennedy written on November 23, 1963 ________ 5. Television mini-series about President Franklin Roosevelt's life ________ 6. Scrapbook kept by Mrs. Mary Smith in 1883 with copies of recipes and household hints ________ 7. Photograph album containing pictures of classmates at Tuskegee Institute in 1923 ________ 8. Letter written by Emily Smith to her friend Pamela Jones, May 3, 1826, describing her trip by wagon from North Carolina to Huntsville, Alabama

________ 9. Article about Martin Luther King, Jr ________ 9. Article about Martin Luther King, Jr. in People Magazine, 1988 ________ 10. Information about Creek Indians in World Book Encyclopedia ________ 11. Cassette tape of an interview with Dr. James Lee describing his life as a doctor in Montgomery County during the 1920s ________ 12. The Story of Alabama, a textbook by Virginia Van der Veer Hamilton ________ 13. Matthew Mason's will, 1896 ________ 14. Map of Alabama drawn by John LaTourette, 1841 ________ 15. Minutes from the 1898 organization of United Methodist Church published in a play in 1988